Chapter 9: Stray Kids

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Our- I mean their parents keep on asking whether they'll go home with them, I declined my own family's constant badgering to move back home. I don't want to be there if they threw me away like that, I'd rather be alone than be with them, they'll never get me back. It just sucks that I had that chance to not be the monster I am but I never did escape it. Maybe it was my fate to meet with these boys and get close to them. They want to take them back, the only people who loved me will be taken away from me but that's understandable because they are their biological family and I'm nothing. "I'm sorry I can't go with you." Chan hyung said to his mom, it shocked me when I heard it. "But why Chris?" his mom asked him. "I want to go with you guys trust me on this but I can't even think about being separated with them now. They may not be related to me by blood, but we're family, and family means nobody gets left behind" He went by my side. "The same goes for me too. I like being with them and they really made me feel like we're family. You guys are important to me but these boys are who I want to be with." Woojin hyung said, he hugged his mom and stood by our side. "I'm sorry mom and dad but I'll go with them too. I promise to visit on holidays and other occasions." Minho hyung said and went to my side. "Noona, Mom and dad I'll go with them too... I love you so so much but I can't afford to lose these boys who I treasure so much." Changbin hyung said. "I'm also sorry mom and dad. Go hug kkami for me okay? I'll miss these boys way too much if I'm apart with them. It's nine or none, and I couldn't even think about leaving them. I promise to visit. I love you so so much." He hugs his parents tightly, before standing next to Minho hyung. "Mom-" Felix started. "It's okay baby, I know, they're important to you. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy wherever you are, and these boys, even though you all went through something horrible, they got you through it, they kept you safe. That's all that matters to me." His mom held back her sobs as she hugged him before letting him walk over to us. "Mom, Dad, Noona, I'll always love you guys so much, but I can't leave them, they're also my family." Seungmin looked down at his feet, nervously. "Minnie-" his sister grabbed his hands. "For the past 14 years, all we ever wanted was to know you were safe, to know you were happy, we just wanted our little Minnie back, my little annoying brother. These boys- I can see how much they mean to you...and I know mom and dad also agree with me when I say... go be with them Minnie, you always have a home with us too, whenever, wherever, we love you, so come visit you dummy, yeah?" His sister said, whipping tears from her eyes. "Noona-" Minnie didn't finish his sentence before he hugged her tightly, his parents joined in. Once they let him go he ran over next to Hyunjinnie. Innie was the last one still with his parents, his mom was holding his hands, his older brother was holding their mom to keep her from crying while his little brother was holding onto Innie in a hug. "Mom... hyung...guys..." Innie tried to convince them. "Jeonginnie, you're my baby, my son, I can't lose you again," his mom was in tears. He put his hands on her shoulders. "'re not losing me, not again, I promise...but these they raised me...they got me out...they got me back to you. Mom they're the reason I got to come back to you. They're the reason I'm alive. I can't imagine leaving them. Mom, please-" Innie pleaded with his mom. She wiped away her tears before walking over to Chan, she took both his hands in hers. "Promise me you'll take care of him? Like you have these past 14 years? Promise me, you all will stay together, protect each other?" she asked him, clutching his hands in hers. "I promise, They're my family too," Chan nodded, assuring Innie's mom that everything would be okay. "Innie, take care of yourself okay? Come visit me lots, I wanna get to know my precious baby," His mom spoke softly, placing her hand on his cheek. "I will mom," Innie smiled, kissing her cheek before standing next to Hyunjinnie, who held Innie in his arms. Minnie joined in on the hug, and before I knew it, it turned into a group hug. I was prepared to take on the world by myself, but just because I can doesn't mean I have to, because I have my family with me I thought as we were all huddled in a hug. It's nine or none till the end. This, us, Stray Kids, and every other child still stuck in that facility, we're a family, and family means nobody gets left behind.

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