Note (Important)

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 Hey Fam :)

4 unedited parts have been published before this note. Please do read it as per your convenience. The book ends here. As I am unable to take out much time for wattpad or any other SNS, I am taking the break. Probably till February. (No, I am not permanently leaving wattpad, as asked by a few).

I have already started writing 3 new books which are in the initial drafts phase. I would love to have you people read them, hopefully, after Feb. A brief idea of the further stories -

1. Sequel to Crazy Best Friends. (I am leaving the idea for you to guess :P)

2. A college drama. A love journey between a nerd and a brat.

3. A non-Manan book with friendship as a background. Mahirat fans gear up. I have included a good number of cricketers there.

All these will take a bit time. a month or two and we can start again.

I am busy and unable to use SNS but if you want to talk, you can message me always and I will reply whenever I can.

Let's meet soon. Till then, take care family. :) 

In love with my boss ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें