Merry Christmas

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It was around 7:30 in the morning when K's alarm clock went off. It's been exactly like that for years already, since she decided to get her own place and have no one wake her up, her alarm clock has been her friend. But something happened today that changed that routine of hers, no, not something, more like someone – and this someone just decided to plug it out and throw it out the window causing it to stop its high-pitch beeping due to the reason that it's already now in pieces.

The said someone who threw the alarm clock smiled contently when the room was back to being his preferred quiet room and went back to cuddling into the warm body of K. He had his arm over K's waist and his head just below her chest, nuzzling into K and dozing back off to sleep.

Vice was definitely not a morning person. Nope, he's not and never was. He could sleep through almost everything, calls from his team, calls from his family, calls from Direk Bobet, but that damn alarm clock?! No way! The only reason that it still exists is because he doesn't usually stay the night at K's unit. If he goes to K's unit, he usually leave early in the morning, long before K's alarm clock even rings but for the last couple of weeks, Vice stayed and K found herself waking up in the gay's strong but soft arms every morning. He couldn't say that he didn't like it. On the contrary, it gave him a sense of belonging and contentment, and it made K feel loved in a way that she never expected she could feel again after so many heartbreaks and disappointments in life.

K still remembered that morning she woke up, cuddled into Vice as if he would disappear if she let go of him. It was the morning that Vice changed her routine. It frightened K but it also made her really happy because it made her realize she could have this, that she wants this.

After a few hours, K stirred as the sun shone through the window and hit her eyes. She adjusted her eyes to stop the blinding light coming from the sun. After a few moments, her eyes adjusted enough to stop seeing everything in a blur.

"K," she hears the soft groan from below her and she grinned. Vice kept on groaning while nuzzling his head on K's stomach to shield his eyes as well from the sunlight. She stayed completely still and let Vice shift her weight to get comfortable once more. As soon as Vice was comfortable, K gently ran her fingers through Vice's cheeks making him purr in his dozed off state.

"How can you be so cute all the time?" K asked herself.

Vice could be a pain in the ass when it came to waking him up, but the way he pouted and did everything in such a reluctant and rebellious way was so cute. It made K absentmindedly looked up to check the time but what greeted her, or rather not greeted her, on the night stand made her gasp.

"Vice, you didn't!" K growled in disbelief.

K stumbled out of bed to try and get her phone due to the reason that she doesn't see her alarm clock anywhere. After seeing the time, she lowly cursed.

"Kurba, get back here!" she hears Vice whine from the bedroom. How could Vice possibly be carefree all the time.

"Vicey! I'm going to be late for my meeting!" K hisses and quickly goes back to the bedroom to see Vice laying on his side and pouting at her when he noticed that K wasn't coming back to bed. K was already pulling clothes out of her closet, probably for something to wear for work. K went back to her bedside table to get her phone and pulled her hand back just in time so that Vice didn't have a chance to grab her. Oh, after being friends for years and being together for quite some time, she already knows the gay's antics.

K grinned at him, pursed her lips mockingly before running off into the bathroom. She got in the shower, got dressed, brushed her teeth, brushed her hair a bit and didn't even bother applying some make-up for she won't have enough time to get to her meeting. While she was doing all those things, Vice crawled back under the covers and went back to sleep once again.

ViceRylle OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now