Chapter Three

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I could feel the shift in the air. Alpha left me. He left. I could feel my breathing become erratic as realization sunk in. Now he would hurt me, my punishment would be horrendous.

My eyes drifted from the empty doorway back to the Beta. His face held a sinister smirk as he raised the hand I had bit. It was a superficial wound, barely a mark was there. Even my wolf knew better than to draw blood with someone we had no chance of winning against.

My wolf urged me to find a way out. We had no scent marking to keep the Betas wolf from dealing a lethal bite if he chose to shift.

"Oh Toby, Toby. Little Toby." His voice sang out his little chant. My body quaked with fear. I was a caged animal, I was the prey, an easy target and one this wolf would enjoy hunting.

The Beta wasn't a wolf of mercy, he fought because he was capable, he fought because he enjoyed winning. I could feel his sadistic pleasure every time he whipped me, or when he would beat me.

I backed up more until I felt myself come into contact with the back wall of the cell. I was in a corner, nowhere to run. The beta positioned himself in front of me. Even if I darted to the side, his hand could easily reach out and stop me in my tracks.

My wolf was frantic. The need to protect ourselves was intense, but the realization that even if we tried we knew we would fail. My wolf didn't like that. I could feel him rippling at the surface. My tail twitched in anticipation. My body wound up tight. Fight.

'We will fail, Beta will punish us even more.' My distressed thoughts didn't help my wolf.

A chuckled grabbed my attention as my eyes focused back on the Beta. "Nowhere to run little wolf. Now let's get you obedient again, shall we?" With his words I watched as he shifted, it was a fluid change, one that came with years of experience.

Where the Beta once was now stood him in his wolf form. He was huge, I came up to his shoulder and his overbearing body easily dwarfed my own. His eyes glowed a deep amber and his fur was a rusty brown with patches missing from healed battle scars. He bore his teeth and I felt my wolf mentally shove me to the back of my mind.

I was no longer in control of my body, I was merely a bystander. The Beta started to advance on us, slow and steady, stalking me. Drawing out the inevitable. My heart stuttered in fear with every movement he made toward us and in a desperate action, my wolf lunged for him keeping low to the ground, aiming for his throat. He didn't move, didn't even flinch when our teeth came down harshly onto his jugular. I could taste the blood as my wolf started yanking the flesh from side to side, growling with every movement.

In my gut, I knew it wouldn't be this easy, but my wolf didn't understand the life we lived, the role we played. We were submissive to our pack, to the laws, to the rules.

My wolf growled mentally at me, almost as if scoffing at my choice of word, pack. 'We may not be pack by scent, however by name we are pack!'

A snarl was our only warning before a paw plowed into our side, his body maneuvering around swiftly until his throat was free and his body stood over us knocking us to the ground on our side.

My wolf scrambled to get out of the now, compromising position. His other leg stood in our way and my wolf grabbed for it with his teeth. I felt them scrape against bone, and I could feel a slight swell of pride knowing we were doing something, but the feelings were short-lived.

In moments teeth connected with the scruff of my neck, yanking is backward. I felt the Betas teeth pierce my flesh. I let out a howl of pain and my wolf struggled. The Beta whipped his head to the side sending us back into the corner we had originated from.

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