Chapter Twenty-Five: Part Two

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"Toby!" My head snapped up and my eyes locked with Lyric. The young child ran through the door and flung her body on to my bed taking me off guard. My hands dropped from my stomach and caught the child.

Her calming presence brought temporary solace to my frazzled mind. "Lie-uhk," I tried to pronounce her name, knowing full well the 'r' and 'l' were much too difficult.

She let out a childish giggle. "That is close. 'Lee-ruhk'." The child pointed to her mouth and slowly pronounced her name for me.

"Lyric." I tried again and was proud of myself, it sounded much better. She gave me a bright smile that I returned. I was suddenly thankful for the distraction. Looking at her, however, my heart suddenly clenched. Remembering why she probably had not visited with me sooner.

They told her about Lily.

"I'm sorry." I cast my eyes down and the small smile I had returned was now gone. Tucked away with the small happiness I had felt only to be replaced by dread. She surely hated me.

A tiny hand grasped mine before it retreated and a small body flung itself at me. "It's ok, it's not your fault." Her arms wrapped around my neck and I clung to her. I closed my eyes as a wave of emotion hit me.

Tears fell.

I wasn't sure if it was disbelief or relief that I felt.

"It's ok Toby. Lily wouldn't have been mad at you." Her voice quivered and I drew the child into my arms burying my face into her soft hair. She returned my hug as I held her. I knew it was wrong of me to accept her words. I knew the truth. It had been my fault, but I felt so much relief knowing this child didn't hate me.

Kain was right. I could have done more to prevent Lily's death. I could have helped fight for her, I could have done more but for a moment, I allowed myself to believe that it wasn't my fault. I held her for a few minutes before she slowly backed out of my embrace and sat on the side of my bed.

She gave me a big smile while wiping her drying eyes. My heart clenched at the sight. She was so small and so kind. Looking at her I felt envious towards Ellis.

He had a mate and two pups. He had happiness, and I had nothing. I wanted his life. I wanted a family. My wolf tried to nudge me into seeing the parasite as something more, but I internally growled.

It would never be more because it was a mistake.

"Daddy said that you will have a baby?" Lyrics' innocent question caused a small wave of grief to hit me.

"No." I denied her. She cocked her head as her eyes traveled from my face to my stomach. Could she tell? Did she know what I was planning? Could she read me? She didn't have the acute hearing and sense of smell yet, she was much too young.

She didn't need to know what was going on within my mind or that I was carrying a bastard pup.

A bright smiled drew over her face and she clapped her hands.

"Good because I want Candy to be happy!" I looked at her confused.

She ignored my look and glanced around the room before her eyes landed on my tray of old food. Her nose wrinkled.

"Yuck," she pointed at the tray. "Candy is a good cook. He should make your food!" She sounded enthusiastic. "He makes me all my favorites,l!" She giggled now fully distracted from the previous topic. I smiled at her as she told me all about how Kain's cooking. It warmed my heart knowing how much her brother cherished her. The large Alpha had a soft spot for the pup.

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