Chapter Ten

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Cold. Alone. Scared.

In some ways, I'm accustomed to being by myself. I had always enjoyed my small space in my small room. It was nice when I wanted to be lost in thought when I wanted to practice my reading it was just a space I love in my home. However, this situation and these feelings were much different. I didn't have a pack a room away, I didn't have an Alpha that ensured everyone's safety and happiness. No, now I only had myself.

The sun had risen and I had yet to venture out from under my fallen tree. I was hungry, thirsty, and the morning air came with a chill that did nothing to warm my still damp body. I had never truly seen the outdoors during the day before. It was scary and I refused to look past the small opening. Fear controlled me. I knew I was in Cat territory too. Not only was I trespassing but I wasn't sure where to go from here. I had never been in a situation like this and I had no idea where to start figuring it out.

Instinct said to lay low. My wolf was still mourning, but he too felt the unease that came with our current situation. All night I had fought the urge to howl out my sorrow. If I'd shifted I'm sure in place of howls it would have been sobbing. My backside throbbed and though the cold waters from the night before had soothed it, I was still in a lot of pain. The wound on my neck also ached. They were my reminders, my brand.

I curled in tighter to myself and whimpered. I wanted to go back and ask for forgiveness, but there was no going back after what had happened. Unless Kain sought me out I would never be allowed to return. If I were to ever get a second chance I would obey, I would learn to speak since they seemed to have desired that from me. I would be a better Omega. I wanted to accept the pack they offered. I also wanted my old Alpha too. I wanted to be greedy, but greed and desire brought me to my current situation. I took kindness for granted and Karma had made herself known.

I closed my eyes, urging the overwhelming need to howl aside. I didn't need to draw attention to myself while I was in unknown territory. Levi's face came to mind and her comforting hands. She was who I missed the most, but thinking of Kain and his dead mate made my heart ache.

I closed my eyes against my self pitying thoughts.


I stilled, ears perking slightly to hone in on the noise, eyes now wide with fear. I felt my heart rate increase.

Was I found?

There was more rustling from somewhere around the fallen tree. I had slightly covered the entrance of my small burrow before the sun had come up, to help hide my secret den. I had also rolled in some dead leaves in hopes to aid in dulling my scent. My wolf had urged me to do it and I complied.

I held my breath as footsteps crunched on leaves. I took a silent sniff of the air. More alarm bells rang in my head. Danger. Whatever was out there, it wasn't something I wanted to get caught by, but I was trapped. I knew it had to be a Cat. I was still on their territory. I knew nothing about their customs, and the only thing I knew about them was that the came in different species, unlike us wolves.

The rustling continued for what felt like hours. There would be shuffling close to the entrance, and then it would fade away just to return. My blood was hammering in my veins, my heart feeling as if it would pound right out of my chest. I was good at being silent. I had practiced for years so that I appeased to the rules but if Cats had as good of hearing as wolves than I knew it would find me sooner rather than later. My Alpha had always said that the loudest part about me was my heart.

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