Chapter Thirty-Nine

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The following 13 days were a blur.

Lilah had continued to visit, bringing me a fresh batch of herbs every few days. At first, she only came while I slept but when my heat hit its peak her presence stayed. My heat had started to drive me mad. The herbs were effective but at my worst, they did little to help. The she-wolf had tended to me with cold water and words.

She spoke, I could barely remember what she had said but her voice had helped keep me sane. When things had calmed down she tended to the wounds on my stomach, checking their healing process and never asking what they were from.

She never asked questions.

She spoke with a guarded gentleness that I could respect. Neither of us trusted the other but the mutual understanding allowed me to feel at ease with her during my cycle.

I did my best to eat the offerings she brought but barely was I able to stomach most of the food.

Now, my heat was over and only the slightly addictive scent clung to my skin. I still felt the need to be mated, to bed with someone but the blinding urge was no longer there. I was in control. The urges were just aftermath, a passing feeling with no power over me.

Standing up, I stretched out my arms, muscles and joints popping, my body felt cramped and sore from all of the tension over the last two weeks. It had been hell and I was thankful for the help I was given. I didn't want or need it anymore. Leaving was now the priority for me and as I finished stretching I started for the entrance of the cave.

The Alpha, Aegis, he hadn't spoken to me since the first day. His scent covered the outside of the den and I knew he had sat the entrance many nights. I had called to him a few times, begged him, but he never answered. My pleads ignored.

I rubbed my bare chest as a pang of hurt hit me. Trying to ignore it I finally stepped out into the sun's bright rays.

"Omega!" The air was becoming colder as fall started to make its presence known. I looked over to where the voice had called out, Lilah was making her way towards me. A large basket occupying her hands.

"Good morning, I take it you are feeling better?" She sounded cheerful but there was a simple dull tone that wrapped around her words. Lilah wasn't a very bright and excited type of person. She was much more mellow, and I enjoyed the somberness.

I nodded at her words in answering.

"If you would, please follow me. I'll take you to a stream so you may wash up. I've brought clothes for you to wear when you have finished." I watched as she turned her back, expecting me to follow, and headed away from the den.

Hesitating, I watched her back, unsure if I should go. Although I was grateful for the care she had given me, I still refused to trust the she-wolf. I refused to trust this pack. Originally, when I had woken up I had decided to leave before she arrived. It would be easier escaping while no one was around. I didn't want her or her Alpha to force me to stay.

My hesitation didn't go unnoticed. Lilah stopped and looked back at me. A delicate brow raised. "Omega, I will not force you to bathe, but your scent is still heavy with heat and I'm sure you don't wish to attract unwanted attention when you depart." With those words, she turned and continued on her path.

Her blunt words rang with truth and a small part of me hoped I was truly free to leave. I looked away from her and out into the landscape. It was the unknown that looked welcoming but she was right. I didn't want to attract unnecessary attention when I left here. Taking a deep breath I took a timid step forward as if to test the waters with my wolf. If he felt differently about bathing I would dart the opposite way.

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