Chapter Forty-Two

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When I finished my meal I continued sitting by the fire.

To stay would mean to be pack with Aegis. The offer was tempting, but I was branded. I wasn't aware of ways to remove it but Aegis seemed sure in the fact I could become pack.

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine what being in a pack would be like. I only had one experience and it wasn't always pleasant.

The beatings from my old pack, begging for scraps of food and being used as bait to train the pups. Would it be the same here? Would I be allowed to sit with the pack or would I be chased out? Would Aegis protect me as he does now or would he beat me for misbehaving?

Would the rules be the same?

Would he give me new ones?

His words were sweet, filled with promise, but I've been fooled many times.

Standing I shook my head and started walking to the entrance. Lilah still hadn't shown and I wasn't in the mood to stay out. The cave was starting to feel suffocating, my thoughts were becoming too loud and my wolf was restless as well. I needed fresh air.

The moment I stepped out of the protection of the cave I felt regret start to fester.

This wasn't safe.

I looked behind me at the caves welcoming arms but all I saw were the thoughts that reached out to tear my internal mind apart.

I was faced with two evils and panic started to worm its way in but my wolf stopped it. I felt the pull of him, felt his presence in my hand, and closed my eyes. I had to overcome this, I had to overcome this fear, or else I would remain a prisoner to my own mind. If I stayed close to the cave I would be safe. Aegis's scent was fresh and thick in the air. He left his mark before departing and the strength behind the scent was protection.

I could do this.

Grasping my emotions I opened my eyes back up. The sun was awake, he shrouded me with his warm rays, shielding me from the Moons eyes. It gave me strength.

Taking a step forward I felt the renewed confidence, ignoring the fact that it was truly the Alphas scent that gave me the boost; I started walking, taking in the scents and scenery. Fear was in the back of mind as I ventured around.

The terrain was rigid as I moved further from the den. If the entire mountainside was like this I could see why they chose this way of living over the typical way. This called to my base instincts. My wolf had his ears perked and his tail wagged at the prospect of exploring the mountain cliffs.

I didn't travel too far before I stumbled upon a ledge that seemed to stretch out far into the open air. Taking a moment to glance around I approached the beginning of the edge. My stomach tumbled as I quickly looked down but it was thrilling, so I steadily made my way onto it.

The wind had started to pick up and I felt my hair whip behind me as I inched towards the end of the narrow rock. My shirt catching the wind as well.

I could see so many things. The trees, the river, the waterfall, the forest, animals, and more. It was just like the painting from one of the children's books I had read. One that had a happy ending.

The story had been about love, trial, and hardships. It was simple and straightforward. At times even predictable. It had given me hopes and dreams for a mate and a family. Dreams that had been smashed countless times.

But they were still dreams that fed into hope.

Hope that seemed frail when I was alone but with Aegis, that hope seemed larger than ever.

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