Chapter Seven

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It was my disobedience that must have labeled me as a mistake, as a bad omega, an undesirable entity.

I steadied my breathing as the two wolves continue to have harsh words with each other. Listening only hurt, and I was tired. Maybe too tired.

"Drag him back to the pack house." Kain's harsh voice broke the moment of silence between the two males. His command leaving no room for argument. He held Ben by the throat, and I averted my eyes, remembering my rules, the rules that would ensure I would be a proper Omega.

"Kain, he's already injured." Ben rasped out. His Alpha must have had a good grip of his throat for his voice to come out sounding whispered.

"Orion!" It was a name I recalled from the makeshift hospital room. "Did you bring the rope?" Shuffling could be heard and I peaked at the other wolves, curiosity winning over.

Orion was still in his wolf form but as he stepped forward I could see the rope wrapped loosely around his neck.

Kain grabbed it after letting Ben go. Ben stood there rubbing his bruised neck and eyed the rope dangling in Kain's hand.

"Kain, this isn't right man. He's too weak." I was sure Ben was referring to me, and my heart stuttered a bit at his protective tone, but his words from moments ago still rang clear in my head. Mistake.

Kain took a step closer to Ben, they were almost chest to chest. Bringing the rope up into Bens line of sight Kain snarled into the other man's face. "Either drag him back to the house or leave him for the cats."

Ben eyes narrowed but he said no note as he yanked the rope from the Alphas hand and stormed over to me cursing under his breath. "Sorry." It was faint and I wasn't entirely sure I heard him right but Ben's whispered apology did little to soothe me.

I didn't move nor did I make a sound as the large wolf tied the rope under my front half sitting it uncomfortably at my armpits. It was tight but not enough to cut off circulation.

"Omega, can you try to stand?" Ben whispered in my ear, his warm breath causing my ear to twitch and my body to involuntary shutter. That was the only response I gave that I heard him. My legs were numb, and I was tired. There was no way standing would be a possibility, let alone walking.

Again my eyes closed. I knew them dragging me would hurt, but unless they left me, there was no other way I could get back. A mistake, a gross omega would be a burden to carry whether it be in their arms or on their backs. I couldn't fault them for my disobedience.

"Alpha, we could carry him." Another voice I recognized sounded out but my eyes refused to open to look.

"If he didn't want to be dragged back he should never have jumped out the window in the first place." Kain's reply was matter of fact.

"Bu—," A slap cut off any reply the other wolves tried to give.

"Enough!" One word. That's all it took and the soundings of bones cracking and bodies shifting filled the air. There was no use for argument. The Alpha has spoken and his pack would follow.

I felt a tug, heard a whine, and then another tug and then I was finally being pulled. The ground was rough, the stones and sticks seemed to hit every vulnerable spot of my side. I didn't make a sound, didn't allow my heat to cloud my mind, didn't allow my thoughts to overtake my emotions. There was a time and place for everything and I needed to relearn it.

Ben continued to drag my body, and after a while, I became numb to the pain.

It felt like forever but eventually, we made it back. The rope had cut into my skin, the smell of my blood stained the air but it wasn't overwhelming. When we arrived I kept my eyes shut. Refusing to see the damage, the death of my former pack. I didn't want to taint the picture I had kept in my mind of the beauty I knew the outside to be full of. Already the forest would be a memory I wished I didn't have. The smell of death was also something I hadn't wished to experience.

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