Chapter Forty-One

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It felt nice. My wolf felt at ease and for once in the last few weeks, I didn't feel scared. It was a comfort only Pierce has brought and I had missed this. Missed this small escape from the reality I lived in. Pierce has been my moment of escape and without him, without his scent, his warmth, his being, nothings been comparable.

I snuggled my head more into the fur of the warm body next to me and took a deep breath in. Inhaling the earthy scent but it wasn't the Cats smell that invaded my senses.

It wasn't Pierce.

This wasn't his fur nor his warmth.

It wasn't his cat that surrounded me.

My head snapped up a little too fast and caused my sleepy vision to swim but I shook my head to refocus. My eyes wildly moved the length of Aegis. For a moment I was confused. The male was curled up beside me his head resting overtop my front paws. His breathing was even and deep indicting he was still sleeping, my movement not having woke the male.

The previous days' events play through in my head and I shuddered. Beta had shown up, Aegis had fended him off and returned to me. The confusion slowly left, Aegis had comforted me. He submitted to my wolf and watched over us. His presence having calmed both myself and wolf. I wasn't sure what the attraction to him was but everything about him made me feel good. I didn't trust him, wasn't sure if I was truly free to leave or if I was just a pawn to him as well. Yet I was drawn to him on a primal level. My instincts screamed for the male, my wolf too willing to roll over just to please him. The attraction was scary.

My wolf bristled at my thoughts, preventing them from going down a dark path. I knew I wasn't stable enough to continue my thoughts, I felt on edge and too tense. Slowly I lowered my head back to its resting place on the Alphas back. Sleep evaded me but thoughts also stayed away and instead I just enjoyed the moment.

It didn't take too long before the persistent urge to relieve myself hit hard. I attempted to ignore it, unwilling to move, but some battles just can't be won. Gently I eased my paws out from under Aegis's head and quietly crawled away from the male. Looking back at him as I stood I realized just how peaceful he seemed.

The males' wolf was gorgeous and his hair shined in the dark, his peaceful face deceiving. I knew there was a fierce wolf behind that sleeping face. The Alpha had fought Kain and even stood up against the Beta. He was strong, and he seemed kind.

Silently I took steps toward the entrance of the den. I could tell from my position next to Aegis that night was still here. As I came upon the opening my body froze. There were no clouds to protect me. The moon hung high in the sky. Her eyes glittered and shimmered as they all turned to glare at me.

My heart hammered in my chest, the urge to relieve myself was strong but I was also too scared to step out of the protection of the cave. The Moon Goddess would find a way to get me.

Her eyes crippled me. My wolf tried to push us out of the cave but I just couldn't move. It was too dangerous. My wolf growled, he didn't like the moon either but he also refused to soil the den. As I continued to glare at the dark sky I felt a presence come up behind me.


His body slowly rubbed the length of my side as the male made his way to my head. I hated how his wolf's touch easily eased me and settled the raging fear.

He gave me a side look and barely paused as he led the way out. I wasn't sure what his motive was until he walked towards a small patch of shrubs and turned looking at me expectantly.

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