I went to the teachers desk to see where I sit.
"I suggest sitting next to Austin." She said.
"Austin come here please." Mrs.Kay called out to the class.
The blonde guy from Science came over.
"Ya Mrs.Kay?"
"Can you, Nick, Edwin, Brandon and Zion make room for This young lady please so you can help her catch up?"
"Ya sure. Yo guys make room, for erm what's your name sorry?" He calls out to his friends.
"It's Y/N."
"Guys make a spot for Y/N."
So as where walking he tells me how he likes art and he's basically the art freak of the class.
He sits down and one of the guys move so I can sit there which is across from the one with dreads.
"So as you know I'm Austin and the one text to me in Brandon and the one next to you is Nick and one across from me is Edwin and across from you is Zion. Guys this is Y/N."
"Hi Y/N!" They all say but Zion.
Which kinda offended me but not.
Nick kicked him.
"Sorry I zoned out sorry, Hi." He says softly.
"Hi." I say very awkwardly.
"Okay class enough talking get to work." Mrs.Kay said and she stares me and the table down.
"Why is she staring us down?" I ask Austin.
"She does that to this table a lot." Says Zion.
"Ya she doesn't like us all that much." Nick says.
"Why?" I ask giggling.
"Because we talk during class but we get our work done. So I don't see the problem really." Brandon says while looking down at his draft of a rose.
"Maybe it's cuz all talk during her class."
"Maybe." They all say while laughing.
Time allied and I feel eyes on me as Austin helps me draw a draft of a rose.
"First start off with a "U" shape and swirl in the middle out curving it up."
"Okay like this?"
"Ya then just make half circles with pointy tips."
"Okay I think I got it. So like that?"
*The bell rings*
"There you go then next class, If you want you can sit here again just in case you need help or just wanna sit here?" All the guys agree as well as Zion while he's putting his stuff away.
"What' s your next class?" they all ask at the same time, which was kinda odd.
All but Zion he was gone he went to his next class.
"I have Gym do any of you?"
"Brandon and Zion do." Edwin said before leaving saying bye.
I leave with Brandon to go to gym and where playing Volleyball.
My favorite sport. Back in New York and Florida I was known for being one of the best Volleyball players.Brandon goes and meets up with Zion as I talk to the Gym teacher, Mr.V, that was his whole name,V.
"Ah yes you must be Y/N?"
"Yep thats me."
"I heard that you have a track in Volleyball?"
"Yep that's me."
I hear Brandon tease Zion.
"Bro you he that she plays a sport." Brandon teased Zion while laughing.
I turn and looked at them and there faces went white.
I started giggling.
My team was me and the rest was guys.
We beat everyone because of me I made every hit that past to me.
Our last team was Zion and Brandon and two girls and two other guys, they were undefeated as well as my team, so we had to play each other."So Y/N let's see if your Volleyball skills are actually really good." Zion smirked.
"Ight bet." I say smirking at both of them.
"0 serving 0." I say whiling hitting the with a underhand serve.
The ball hits Zions and Brandon court floor making it a point for my team.
"Are you guys trying?" I say smirking.
"Hey it's not our fault we against a Volleyball player!." Brandon gelled while tossing the ball to me.
"1 serving 0."
The ball goes in Zions direction and he hits it my way and for awhile me and him are going back and forth me and Zion both smirking.
The ball finally lands on our side because of of my teammates jumped up to get the ball and it wound up hitting our court floor.
"God damnit." I yell.
Zion is busted out laughing as well as Brandon.
"Y'all stop laughing or imma go over there and slap both y'all!"
They both stopped and looked at each other.

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)
Romance(This is being edited. I'm doing like 3 chapters at a time) You are girl that has moved hella times and finally moved to where her scars are healed... you hope