*the next morning*
I wake up to find Zion gone, so I grab my bra and thong and put those on and I get Zions hoodie which imma take home for myself.
I walk downstairs to the kitchen and see Zion making food.
"Ooo food!" I got exited I was so hungry.
He laughs. "Good morning to you to baby."
"Good morning and you know you love me."
"That I do."
"We gotta eat fast today we have the dancing tryouts for backup dancers for a music video" (I know they do the dancing them selves but there's a part coming that ties in with this anyway back to the story)
"Okay, I'll get in the shower after we eat."
"Okay babygirl."
We eat and I go upstairs and get in the shower then I get out and find Zion on the bed waking to get in the shower, then he goes in but before he does he kisses me, then he gets in and I get dressed, I've spent the night here so many times Zion emptied it for me and I brought clothes over and put them there, so when I do spend the night I have clothes, so I put on black high waisted ripped jeans and a black tang top and a flannel wrapped around my waist and white Jordan's and a dark red beanie to match my flannel.
Also I put on makeup I did a smoky eye and nude lip along with my eyebrows and false lashes.
Zion gets out the shower and gets dressed in black jeans non ripped and a black t shirt and he put on his white Jordan's and a black beanie.
"Taking my look babygirl?"
"What do you mean?"
"A beanie that's new?"
"What can I say your rubbing off on me style wise."
"Ready to go?"
"Ya lemme grab my bag."
I grab my bag and we go the guys are in there car and we're in Zions and we head to the place.
"Hey baby I was wondering, how were you going to me you were pregnant?"
"Truthfully I don't know but not how you found out defiantly, prolly a romantic dinner or something or on a date or in our own time I don't know."
"Either way I'm happy anyway you would have told me because like I told you before I love you and I do want a future with you."
"Awe Zi I want one with you to and I love you to."
We get there and the first set of people were okay but not super good like the guys need because the music video is getting shot in a week.
"Next group please we're gonna have Zion show you one of the moves and lets see if you can do it." Brandon said.
Zion got out of his chair and immediately some of the girls were having the hots for Zion.
Zion showed them then sat back down.
And those girls that were having the hots for Zion didn't make it not only because of that but because they couldn't dance for the life of them.
"Ight next you will know who made it if you get a call thank you." Austin told them.
"I'll be right back I gotta use the bathroom, pregnancy problems." I told the guys then I left to use the bathroom.
"I come back to see these two bitches that I've known and hated since I lived in New York which was when I was 13 and they both where hitting on Zion like full blown and I heard Austin say to Nick"you know if Y/N sees this she's gonna spaz our our those to." I see Zion getting uncomfortable.
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO BITCHES DOING HERE!!" Jealousy and the fact that they were here took over.
"Oh my god Y/N the slut is that you, oh my god Gina do you see who it is?" She (her name is Samantha) said in such a sarcastic voice.
"Baby you know them?"
"Do I know them I more then know them I fucking despise them they ruined my life back in New York."
"Aw Y/N I'm hurt how did we ruin your life, I mean ya sure we had sex with your boyfriend and kisses him but that shouldn't make you hate us,right?" Gina said in a bitchy voice.
"Okay I think it's time for you two to leave." Edwin said as he stood up and left.
"Wait we haven't tried out yet?"
"Bitch you both can't dance remember when we were friends and tried to make a dance group I was the only one that could so leave."
"Whatever Y/N just because you have a famous boyfriend doesn't mean your better than us."
"Did I say that no I didn't."
"Leave now!" Zion said.
"Security! Make sure these two never come back here or anywhere near us again." Edwin came back with the Security.
"Alright you two lets go." The security guards grabs them and leaves with them.
"Was what they said true?" Zion asked.
"Ya it was they made my boyfriend at the time have sex with them and he gladly did it oh and I'm referring to Axel, so every since then I've been fucked up and had trust issues so when ever I see someone up on the guy I love it gets me jealous I'll admit that, and there lucky I didn't go over there and slap the shit out of them."
"I'm sorry baby."
"It's fine."
"Alright you guys can continue." The security comes back.
"Okay thank you." Nick said.
"Alright last group come out please." Said Brandon.
The next group comes out and Nick shows them the moves and they need work on it so I think the ones from the first group are gonna be the ones.
"Okay thank you."
And they left.
"Y/N can you call the ones from the first group."
"Ya what's there numbers?"
"Here." Brandon handed me the pad with there numbers.
"Okay I'll be back."
I left the dance room and went outside to call them.
I called them and told them tomorrow to meet at the cafe downtown like Brandon told me to.
I walk back in as told the guys that they would meet us there.
They said okay and the rest of the guys had something to do while Zion wanted to take me to see my mom.
We get in the car and start driving to the hospital then we arrive at the hospital and I check in and I walk to my moms room and I see her boyfriend there.
"What the fuck is he doing here?!?"
"Y/N!! I'm so happy to see you."
"Mom What is he doing here?"
"Y/N I want you to meet him."
"No mom no you aren't even divorced yet and you have a boyfriend!"
"I divorced Shane 3 weeks ago when he went to jail before trial."
Zion grabs me from behind to calm me down because he can tell I'm about to explode.
"Y/N baby calm down mama please." Zions whispered in my ear.
I take a deep breath and breathe.
"Mom you divorced him 3 weeks ago? And didn't tell me and you have a boyfriend?"
"I'm sorry Y/N I didn't know how to tell you."
"Mom do you really think I can have this stress on me no not really I'm still in my first trimester meaning I could lose this baby easily unlike you your 6 months pregnant I'm 1 1/2 months pregnant."
He boyfriend buds in.
"Maybe I can come back another time."
"Why? Your fine with dating someone who's pregnant with another mans baby?"
"Y/N!" My mom yells.
"What mom it's the truth."
"How do you know if he's different from Shane? I'm not trying to get abused and rapped again!" I storm off because of how pissed off I am.
"Y/N is scared from what happened to her with Shane and Jayden, plus she's being protective over her baby and her self, she should come around soon, and man if you think about doing that to her I will hurt you I can do worse than police because of who I am and because it's the women I love that got hurt!"
And Zion cam running after me after he said that.
Zion grabbed me from behind and turned me over so I'd face him and he hugged me tightly.
"Babygirl please calm down."
"I'm trying but it gets me so pissed that my mom is already in a relationship and didn't tell me and she divorced Shane and didn't tell me."
"I know baby I know,come on let's go home."

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)
Roman d'amour(This is being edited. I'm doing like 3 chapters at a time) You are girl that has moved hella times and finally moved to where her scars are healed... you hope