Zions POV
I wake up to a phone call and I check to see who it is and it's on Y/N's phone.
"Hello is this Y/N Y/L/N?
"No this isn't she's asleep I'm her boyfriend is everything okay?"
"Her mother is down here at Dignity Health Hospital and her mother is down here so to blood loss and stab wounds."
"Oh my god well be there as soon as possible."
"Okay thank you."I end the call and go and wake Y/N.
"Babygirl wake up your moms in the hospital we have to get down there now."
"What!?! What do you mean my mom is in the hospital!?!"
"You got a call from the hospital saying your mom was down there do to blood loss and stab wounds."
"What no!? That can't be?!" She started to cry so I grabbed her and held her close to my chest.
"Come on baby get dressed I'll drive."
She threw on her bra and thong and my hoodie I put her in yesterday night and I threw on a hoodie and sweats then we left.
I could tell Y/N was having a panic attack.
"Hey baby calm down look at me."I said as we stopped at a stoplight.
She looks at me with tears rolling down her eyes.
"Babygirl calm down, calm down it's not health for the baby or you." I said that as I caress her cheek in my hand.
"I know, I can't help it my mom is in the hospital and oh my god what about my unborn sibling!"
"Shhhh baby calm down, don't think the worst."
She turns her head as the stop light tidings green and she looks out the window, I hate to see the women I love in so much pain,again.
A few minutes later we get to the hospital.
We go running in and run straight to the desk.
"Hi my moms here do to stab wounds and blood loss!"
"Y/M/N(your moms name) Y/M/M/N(your moms middle name) Y/M/L/N(your moms last name)."
"Room 236 here your pass."
"Thank you."
We left to her moms room and found so guy in there.
"Oh my god!" Y/N runs straight to her moms bed and sits down and cry's.
I walk in a notice someone on the other side of the bed.
"Who are you two?" The person asked.
"I should be asking you the same thing! Who are you?" Y/N said as she went to get away from the bed and the person and she came to me and hid behind me.
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YPU DOING IN MY MOMS ROOM?!?"Y/N starts screaming at the top of her lungs.
I turn her around. "Shhhh baby it's not good to get to worked up it's not good for the baby." I pull her close to me as a doctor and security come running up to my moms room.
"What's the problem?" The doctor asked.
"Who the hell is this in my moms room!?"
"He said he's your mom boyfriend."
"Bullshit my mom just had a court hearing because her ex husband now raped me and abused me along side with his son! So there's no way my mom already has a boyfriend!"
I pull Y/N close to me because I can tell she's about to spaz out on the Doctor.
"Baby it's not good for the baby please calm down." I feel her take deep breaths.
"Her being here is okay but why are you here?" The guy asked.
"I'm here because she's practically my mother in law and she's the grandmother to be of my unborn child."
Y/N moves from my grip. "Why are you here last time I checked my mom wasn't in a relationship and if you really are how far along is my mom?" She gave some sass.
"How far along what do you mean?"
"See now if you really where her boyfriend you'd know, my moms 6 months pregnant!"
The doctor buds in and said "I wanted to tell you when your mom woke up but, there's about a 2 out of 5 percent chance the baby will make it."
"So your saying my sibling is dead, great more shit that's gonna depress my mom and me."
I grab her and promised her I won't let go no matter what she's screaming in my chest crying.
"Get out I want all of you out!" I said demanding.
"I'm her daughter and I have Proof he doesn't doesn't have proof that he's her boyfriend so get out all of you now!"
The security guards get the mad and take him and they all leave.
"Baby calm down please shhhhh."
She breaks down and runs to her moms bed and grabs her hand and lays her head on the bed and falls asleep.
I stay up and call the guys to let them know what happened.
Y/N wakes up and she has dried tears down her face.
"Hey baby."I say as I walk up to her and hug her.
"Hey." She said in a low voice."Y/N? Zion?"
Her mom woke up.
"Mama? Oh my god I'm so happy your awake."
Y/N went up to her mom and hugged her.
"I'll go get the doctor." I said.
"Okay thank you baby."
Y/N POVMy mom woke up and Zion went to get the doctor. When I heard my mom was in the hospital I was so depressed I wanted to die.
Then when I came in the room and that guy claimed to be my moms boyfriend and didn't even know she was pregnant was bullshit, I know I shouldn't get worked up because of the baby but I couldn't help it he pissed me off, luckily Zion was with me so he could calm me down as much as he could.
Zion comes back with the doctor.
I walk over to Zion because the doctor said so so he could check on her, then I grab onto Zion and pull him close.
The doctor walks up to us.
"So your mom is going to have to stay in the hospital for month until we know her stab wounds are healed a lot more."
"Okay, thank you, I have to do anything to keep my mom healthy and safe."
The doctor walks out the room and I walk to my mom with Zion behind me.
"Hey mama? So yesterday there was a man here who claimed he was your boyfriend, was that true?"
"So it is true! Why didn't you tell me???"
"I'm sorry Y/N... I had just got out of a marriage and I just met him and I'm pregnant."
I look away and walk out the room.
I hear Zion say.
"Just give her some time she's pregnant to and I don't wanna lose her or the baby we'll be back later." Then he walked out.

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)
Любовные романы(This is being edited. I'm doing like 3 chapters at a time) You are girl that has moved hella times and finally moved to where her scars are healed... you hope