We drive back to his place and I lay on the couch and fall asleep.
*one month later*
The past month I'd visit my mom for a few minutes then leave and I'm in online schooling, and I'm starting to show.
I have a doctors appointment today to check on the baby and see if the baby is health or not, I hope the baby is health, and since I'm showing I've been very self-conscious about my body.
"Zion hurry up we have to go!"
"I'm coming I'm coming."
I put on leggings and a hoodie and a beanie and black socks with slides and minimal makeup.
"Okay let's go."
Zions in a hoodie and jeans and a beanie and white sneakers.
We rush downstairs and get in the car and get to the office and check in.
"Good morning Y/N how are you?"
"I'm good thank you how about you?"
"I'm good to. Okay so I have a few questions to ask."
"Have there been a lot of stress on you lately?"
"Ya a little bit but lucky Zion is with me to help me with it."
"Okay that good. How have you been sleeping?"
"Um I've been sleeping okay I guess I'm always hot but then I'd be very cold.
"That's normal, what about bleeding?"
"Not that I've noticed."
"Okay that's good. Now can you lift your hoodie up please."
I lift my hoodie off my stomach and he applied the jelly on my stomach and started to find the baby.
"Looks like your baby wants to hide."
He realized the scars and it's a different doctor because my normal one got very sick.
He looked at Zion in a disgusting way.
I realize it say "these scars aren't from Zion he doesn't hurt me I swear, I got rapped and abused by my step dad and step brother there in prison now, this happened before with the nurse last time."
"Oh okay sorry."
"It's okay. I'm use to it."
"Okay I found the ba... oh crap that's not good."
"What what's wrong?"
"I don't know lemme go get another doctor who specializes in this."
"In What what's wrong with my baby!??"
I start panicking.
"What the hell is happening what is wrong with our child!?" Zion demands.
"There's a sack of fluid which looks like it's the baby and it's not I'm gonna go get another doctor."
He leaves to get another doctor.
"Baby deep breaths please deep breaths inhale exhale."
I can't think straight, I can't move, my head is spinning.
"Baby? Y/N?"
The doctor comes in with someone else.
"Dr. Kj said that there's a sack that looks like the baby, lemme take a look."
All I could say was "hmh."
Zion grabs my hand and I squeeze his hand hard, so he knows I can here him but I can't think straight, Zions rubbing my arm and kissing the top of my head.
"Okay so it seems that there is a sack that's bigger that the baby, so we are going to have to remove it for the health of you."
"Wait meaning that I'm gonna lose the baby!?"
"There's a possibility, yes but if you went on with the pregnancy than you and the baby would die."
I'm having a full blown panic attack right now.
"So it's either the baby dies and I live or the baby and I both die."
"Not the way I'd put it but yes."
My mind is blank, I can't think, and I can't breathe.
"Can we think on it we'll have a answer by tonight." Zion asked.
"Yes here's my card."
"Thank you."
I wipe the stuff off my stomach and I walk out the room and go to the elevator and I walk in and I hear Zion yelling and racing and gats in the elevator trying to talk to me but I can't think and go to my moms floor, I walk in to my moms room and climb on her bed, and start crying and balling my eyes out and hugging her.
"Y/N what's wrong?"
I can't talk so Zion talks for me.
"The doctor said that there's a sack that's bigger than the baby and that if she goes on in the pregnancy her and the baby will die or if they remove it the baby dies."
"Aw baby." My mom holds my tight she knows she's in pain but she doesn't care.
"It's either we both die or the baby does." I say.
"Sweetie I know you don't wanna hear this but the best thing to do is have them remove it, you want kids in the future right, and you want a future with Zion right?"
"I do but I can't lose our baby it's apart of me."
"I know Y/N, I know how that feels but it's for the better."
"How do you know?"
"I lost someone who was gonna be you older sibling and I almost died because of your dad."
"Oh. I'm sorry mama."
"It's not your fault Y/N, but the best thing is to get it removed so that your have a future and who knows maybe the baby will still be alive after."
I get off the bed and go hug Zion.
"Zion you wouldn't get mad at me or hate me if I did the surgery and the baby would die?"
"I could never hate you or be mad at you, I prefer the surgery now rather than I lose you both."
"Of course your life is number one yes the baby is to but there is a chance that the baby will survive."
"Okay where's the card?"
He handed me the card and I called them.
"I'm scheduled in 2 days." ( I know that's not how it works but it's my story anyway)*two days later aka surgery day*
I'm in the hospital in the bed and there telling me the risks that I already know and Zion, Brandon, Nick, Austin , and Edwin are in the room.
They give me the medicine I need and sooner or later I fell asleep then the surgery was done and I woke up."Z?"
"Y/N? Your up?"
"What's going on?"
"Your in the hospital and the surgery is done."
"What about the baby?"
"We don't know yet I'll get the doctor."
Zion went and got the doctor and came back with him.
"Hello Y/N how do you feel?"
"I'm pain. What about the baby?"
"We will know by tomorrow."
"For now I think you should get some rest."
I fell asleep thinking the worst. Is my baby dead? Should I not have done the surgery?

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)
Romansa(This is being edited. I'm doing like 3 chapters at a time) You are girl that has moved hella times and finally moved to where her scars are healed... you hope