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I woke up in a room on the ground.
I get up and look out the door window and I can't see shit.
I start banging on the door and someone comes in.
"Ah your awake."
"Shane What do you want?!"
"You should know dear, we g are a family now. Jayden bring her in here!"
Jayden comes in with Zoey.
"Give me my sister Now!"
"How do you shut the damn baby up."
"Give me Zoey now!!"
He hands me Zoey and I walk to the corner of the room.
"Shhhh Zoey shhhh."
I rock her in my arms.
"What do you want?"
"We want our family together."
"Just let us go please. She just a baby!"
"I don't think so! Looks like you lied about being pregnant."
"No I didn't I lost the baby's and I almost died! Are you two are fucking perverts!"
They laugh and leave. At least I have Zoey in my arms, at least I know she's safe, but am I?

Few hours later
Zions POV

I wake up and notice Y/N isn't downstairs so I look upstairs and she's missing.
"Y/N! Baby your here?!?"
No answer.
I run downstairs and wake Y/N's mom up and Dan.
"Guys Y/N's missing!"
I go and wake the guys up.
I go to there rooms and wake them up and yell "Y/N's fucking missing!!"
I dial 911.
"Hello we reported a break in yesterday and my girlfriends sisters missing!"
"Y/N's file?"
"Yes and now she's missing her phone is here and all cars are home and she's nowhere in the house."
"Okay we will have some officers come to your house, what's the address?"
"It's (what ever address)"
"Okay thank you."
And I hang up.
About a hour later
They showed up and everyone's in the living room and I'm talking to the officer.
Y/N were are you? Zoey were are you?
"Is there cameras around the house?"
"Um Brandon is there cameras around the house?"
"Ya there is, here."
He hands me his phone with the cameras on.
I hand the officers his phone and they look through them and found one from last night and seen two guys and Y/N.
"Do you recognize these to?"
"Ya that's Jayden and Shane.I fucking knew it.
I knew they were behind it!"
"We will put a alert for them."
"Okay thank you."
"We have a code 10-57 sisters missing a baby and a 18 year old."
"Okay thank you officer kmcenly will be there."
The officer left and officer purina stayed.
Y/N's mom is crying and I'm trying not to break down.

Few hours later

They came back.
"Give me the baby."
"No! Your not taking Zoey!"
He comes up to me and I turn around and hind Zoey and Jayden takes his belt off and whips me with it.
"God damn, fuck you, i hope you got to hell!"
He laughs.
"Give me her now!"
"No id rather die!"
He hits me till I fall and it doesn't work until he punches me right where he kept hitting me then I fell to the ground and he took Zoey and kicked me in my ribs.
"Next time your gonna listen or death will be arranged."
He left with Zoey crying, I'm in tears from getting hurt.
I get up. "Give me my sister back you fucking assholes!"
2 hours later
He comes back and gives me Zoey.
"Take the damn baby she won't shut up!"
He gives me Zoey and slaps me in the face.
He laughs.
Shane comes running in.
"We gotta go they called the cops! There after us!"
"You bitch you called the cops!"
Jayden punched me in the stomach.
"You asshole!"
"Your death wish is gonna come true!"
They left and the next thing I knew the room was filled with smoke.
I cover Zoeys mouths and nose with her blanket so it wouldn't get in her lungs, then I covered mine with the sweater I was wearing.
"Help me someone help I'm locked in a room I have my sister."
Zions POV

"There's a fire on west street we need all hands there. There is two people inside one is screaming for help saying her name is Y/N and she was kidnapped and her sister is only a baby they both were kidnapped all hands on route please all hands on route please. Over"
"Okay we will be there in short notice."
"That's Y/N and Zoey!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes I'm sure of it."
"Okay, all hands on route please. I'm on my way!"
"I'm coming. I promise I will bring your daughters home safely." I said.
We arrive at the place and there's fire men all around us.

"Help me I'm in here!"
"Hello is anyone in here?"
"Yes I'm in this room!"
"Stand back please."
I stand back and he called for help the door was bolted shut.
More people came and I was low to the ground now I was to weak to stand up.
They opened the door and someone helped me up then took my sister and someone else grabbed me and helped me out of the room and place.

I walk out for the place and see Zion he runs up to me, he grabs me and hugs me tight.
"Oh my god Y/N your okay!!"
I passed out.

Third person.

Y/N passed out and Zion caught her and picked her and Zoey up.
"Someone help she passed out."
Someone runs up and takes Zoey and someone else takes Y/N.
"Smoke is blocking her lungs check the baby!"
They lay Y/N down and gives her air.
"The baby's okay!"
They hand Zoey back to Zion and he rocks her in his arms.
"Is Y/N okay?"
"They gotta give her air but she should be fine."
Zions kneels down and sits down next to Y/N holding Zoey.
"Please wake up Y/N I can't live without you."
After a few minutes Y/N wakes up.
"What happened?"
"Y/N!! Your up."
Y/N sits up.
"What happened? Where am I?"
"Do you not remember? You and Zoey got kidnapped?"
"oh my god, it was Jayden and Shane. Jayden punched me and hit me with his belt because I tried to keep Zoey safe."
Y/N starts to cry.
Zion hugs her.
"Shhh baby your safe now."

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now