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They take me into surgery and remove the baby.

The next morning

I wake up in a little bit of pain.
I feel that Zion is holding my hand and he's up.
"Baby? How you feel?"
"I feel okay I'm in a little pain."
"I'll get the doctor."
Zion get the doctor and the doctor said I have to stay in the hospital till they know that I'm completely healed and there's nothing that could cuz me pain.

One month later

My mom left the hospital 3 weeks before me to her boyfriends place so she'd have someone to look after her since I couldn't really do it since I was in the hospital and I'd need someone to help me around the house.
I get to leave today and Zion got me clothes and I put them on and with the money I had and I paid for there new couch they said I didn't have to but I did it anyway and I got Zion a new hoodie which will turn into ours.
"How you feeling baby?"
"I feel fine I feel weak tho."
"I wanna ask you a question."
"Okay. Is it bad?"
"Okay ask away."
"How would you feel if I asked you to move in with me and the guys?"
"Wait really?"
"I'd say yes but I'd have to ask my mom and you'd have to ask the guys."
"I already did and the guys said they'd love you to live there and your mom said yes because her and her boyfriend are getting serious so he's moving in with her."
With the strength that I had I stood up and jumped into Zions arms and stared to kiss him.
"Imma take it as a yes." He laughed.
"Of course. And baby I hope you know where not gonna have sex for awhile."
"I don't care, I care more about your health." He said then he kissed me.
The doctor comes in with the wheelchair.
"All you ready?"
"Ya Z can you help me?"
Zion comes over to me and helps me into the wheelchair and he pushes me out the hospital and puts me in the car and we get to my place so we can grab my stuff.
Zion carries me in we walk in and I see my mom sitting in the kitchen counter with her boyfriend cooking.
"Hey mom."
"Hey Y/N I'm assuming you said yes?"
"Ya so im here to get my stuff."
"It's all in boxes already."
"Thank you."
Zion puts me down on the couch as he bring my stuff to the car.
"So Y/N you were gonna have twins?"
"Apparently but both died." And my emotions took over and my eyes started to water.
"Awe baby it's okay."
"Ya I guess."
About 15 minutes later My stuff was in the car and Zion came back and helped me up.
"Bye mom."
"Bye Y/M/N."
We leave and get in the car and get to his place I mean our place.
We walk in and all the guys are in the couch playing the game.
"Yo guys come help me with Y/N's stuff."
"Dude this couch is to comfortable!" Austin yells.
"What ever guys."
Zion walks upstairs and places me on the bed and grabs 2 boxes at a time so it was about 6 trips. As he brought up boxes I put them away and seen that he emptied half of his closet and dresser.
They gave me crutches so I could walk sort of and I grabbed the clothes that where on hangers and put them in the closet then my folded clothes in the drawers then my makeup in a desk drawer that was also cleaned out.
He finished bringing the boxes up and sat on the bed as I finished putting stuff away.
He picks me up and we go downstairs and he sits on the couch and I sit next to him and watch them all play the game.
When the guys play the games they get heated.
3 hours later
"Meet up at starting point."
"Ight." All the guys say.
"Shit we gotta hide."
I start to record them on Instagram.
I post it on Instagram story and tagged them. With the caption "these idiots lmao!"
1 1/2 hours later
It's 11:30 and the guys stop playing the game and go to bed while me and Zion are up on the couch cuddling.
"What movie?" Zion asks.
"Don't matter, how about a horror movie?"
"A girl that's into horror, that made me fall for you more."
I blush.
We watch some random horror movie which was scary as fuck no lie so the whole time I was hiding behind Zion or my head was tucked in Zions hoodie.
"You tired?"
"Ya." I yawn.
Zion picks me up bridal style and takes me upstairs and puts my down on the bed as he got dressed.
"Did the doctor say when I'd be at my full strength?"
"I don't know we can call them tomorrow."
"Why do you not like when I pick you up?" He asked jokingly.
"No I do but I also like having my strength and when I'm healed completely and we do have sex I like to dominate you at times and you know it." I wink at him.
He laughed.
"Don't I know baby."
He climbs in bed and I lay on top of him.

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now