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The next day

I wake up and fell better.
"He's asleep."
"Should I get the doctor?"
"And Brandon can you wake Zion up I need him?"
Brandon left to get the doctor and Edwin started to wake Zion up.
"Zion get your bitch ass up."
"I'm up I'm up what's wrong!?"
"Nothing." Edwin said.
I can't help but laugh.
"Don't make me laugh it hurts."
"Your up!" Zion comes running to me.
Brandon and the doctor come in.
"Good morning how did you sleep?
"Good morning I feel better."
"That's Good, so the surgery went good there were no complications now we need to test if thee baby is alive or not." (Again I know that's not how it works but it ties in with everything)

"Okay. What do I have to do."
"First we need a urine sample and blood sample then a NT scan."
"We'll do the Blood sample first then the urine sample."
He takes the blood which doesn't bother me but it bothers the guys. Lol.
"Zion help me."
Zion helps me out of the bed and in the bathroom. I pee then wash my hands and Zion carry's me out the bathroom and into the bed.
"Here you go."
I hand him the cup.
"Okay the nurse will take you and do a scan."
"Zions coming with."
"Okay he can."
She pushes the bed to the NT scan room and puts the jelly on my stomach and starts scanning and taking the pictures while Zions holding my hand.
Then she pushes me back in the room.
About a hour later the doctor comes back.
"I'm sorry but the baby didn't survive the surgery, the nurse said there was no heart beat and in the samples where negative."
My heart sank to the bottom of my body.
I lost apart of me, I knew that would happen, was it the best idea?
I zone out I can't breathe or think.
"You okay baby?"
"I'll give you some space." The doctor leaves.
"Guys let's give them space." I hear Edwin say.
"Ya?" I start crying.
"Aw baby shh."
"I knew this would happen why why did I put up with it."
"Don't blame your self."
"It's my fault. How are you not spazzing out on me, how come your not crying, our baby is dead."
"I cried myself to sleep last night I have no tears I only cry when your asleep because I don't want you to see me, and I'm not spazzing out on you because it's not your fault, your alive, if you went through the pregnancy you and the baby both would be gone."
I sit up and pull him down to me and hug him.
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay."

After a week I was healed and was aloud to go home.
Me mom has to stay in the hospital because her wounds were bad and weren't healing properly.
Zion got me clothes from his place and came back with clothes.
"Hey baby."
"Hey here's your clothes."
"Thank you."
He hands me my clothes.
"Where's my pants?"
"I got my hoodie because the doctor said not to have anything around your waist that's tight and all your pants are tight.
"Oh okay."
I put my bra and underwear on and then Z's hoodie and slides.
The doctor brought a wheelchair because I barley can stand straight for a minute.
"Your going to have to be in bed rest for a month till I see you again."
"Okay, luckily I'm in online schooling."
"True and okay ready?"
Zion helps me in the wheelchair and pushes me to the Uber's. Then he picks me up and puts me in the Uber's car.
Then he gets in and we go to his house and he picks me up and carry's me in the house and puts me on the couch.
The guys come out and see that I'm here.
"Hey Y/N how you feel?" Nick asked.
"I'm better thanks for asking."
The guys go to Zion and slap him up and then tell him they all have to go to the studio to write music and create new beats and bases.
Zion walks up to me.
"Hey baby I gotta go to the studio today you gonna be okay?"
"Ya I'll be fine I'm prolly gonna be asleep the whole time."
"Okay love you and call me if you need anything or if somethings wrong."
"I will I love you to."
He kisses me then leaves.
I put a movie on the tv and fall asleep.

10 hours later

I wake up and I'm in pain, I start crying, I try getting up to get my phone but I'm so weak I can't even sit up. I hear the door open and the guys are talking and I as soon as I heard that I yelled.
"Guys!" I scream and I hear them come running.
"What wrong?" Nick asked.
"I don't know I'm in so much fucking pain! Where's Zion?"
"He had to stay after along with Austin." Brandon claimed.
"Would one of you help me up and get me to the car and the fucking hospital!!"
"Nick call Zion and Austin. Edwin help me get Y/N in the car."
Brandon picks me up and Edwin notices that there's blood on the couch.
"There's blood on the couch!"
"Just get me to the hospital. I'm in so much pain!"
Brandon puts me in the car and Nick and Edwin got in.
He brought me to the hospital carrying me and a doctor got a room and put me there after a half hour Zion and Austin came here.
They both run in the room Zion is at full speed.
"Y/N baby?"
He rushes toward me and I grab him by his shirt and pull him close to me.
"I'm in so much pain Zion please take it away!" I start to cry more than I already was.
"I know babygirl I wish I could."
"Were the fuck is the doctor?!?" I yell.
"I'll go see what's taking them so long." Zion ran out the room and all I heard was.
"I need a fucking doctor my girlfriend is in so much fucking pain and she just lost the baby a week ago this."
"I feel like I'm giving birth yet I'm not and have no child in my body! ZION GET IN HERE!!!!!"
"Someone get me a fucking doctor!" Then Zion runs in the room and he grabs my hand.
Doctors come in and ask what's wrong and what happened.
"What's wring is that I'm in to much fucking pain and what happened I woke up and felt like I was dying and there was blood on the couch, so I don't know what the fuck this is but someone explain to me what's happening!!!"
"Okay we will give you some pain killers and then I will do a NT scan to see the problem."
She gives me some pain killers and is takes awhile for them to kick in then she does the NT scan.
I lift my hoodie up so my stomach is exposed and I'm only in a thong and bra my thong is exposed like my stomach and the guys look away in respect.
She puts the jelly on and starts to scan.
"What the..."
"What? Is it bad."
"It seems that your pregnant again and the baby is dying."
"What? That's impossible I haven't had sex in forever!"
"It seems that they were twins."
"I think I'm gonna pass out." Both me and Zion say at the same time.
"I don't think twins are in my family."
"Twins can happen without it being a relation in family."
"So what are we going to do about the baby?"
"It's very nasty to so is what I get from people but your going to basically give birth to the baby that is smaller than a solo cups in side, or we can surgically remove the baby."
"Which is less painful and faster and better for my health?"
"If we surgically remove the baby it would be fast and you'd be asleep and it would be better for your health and if you want to have children."
"Okay that's what I wanna do."
"Okay we can set a room up now if you want.?"
"Yes please."

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now