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Zion took me to the hospital straight away.
We got in a room and was waiting on a doctor to tell us what happened.

The doctor walks in.
"Hello Mr and Mrs Kuwonu."
When he said that me and Zion took a minute and stared At each other and smile.
"Hello and were not married yet he just graduated high school and I have one year."
"Oh sorry, anyway so the rest result came in and it was normal bleeding during pregnancy."
I took a deep breath and breathed out in relief.
"Oh my god thank god."Zion said.
"Since you are already here so you want to have a NT scan?"the doctor asked.
"Since where here please." I said.
The doctor left to get a room set up and Zion asks "what's a NT scan?"
I laugh " baby it's were the doctor scans your stomach so you can see the baby and hear the heart beat."
"Weirdo your lucky I love you." I say and stand up to kiss him.
The doctor comes in to get us to go to the next room.
We get there and I get on the bed and take my shirt off and the nurse gasps when she sees my scars then looks at Zion in discussed. Then continues.
"So this is gonna be a little cold."
The nurse applies the jelly like substance then starts to scan my stomach as Zion is looking at the monitor the nurse asks "do you wanna hear the heartbeat?"
Zion quickly reply's "Yes please." I can't help but laugh.
"Okay ready?" She asks turning the volume on.
*baby heartbeats*
"Can we have a picture of the baby please?" I ask.
"Ya I'll go print it now I'll be right back."
"Okay thank you."
I start wiping off the jelly stuff off my stomach.
Zion comes up to me and picks me up and hugs me.
"Our baby's health and okay!" He says.
"I know I'm so happy."
The nurse and doctor both come in with police officers.
"Um why are the police here?" I ask.
"I seen the scars on your stomach and back when you took your shirt off."
"Oh that wasn't him. Is that why you looked at him like that?"
"Well ya and he has to be forcing you to say that."
"He's not I swear those scars are from my ex step brother and step dad who are in prison now and they rapped me Zion saved me."
"Oh I feel real stupid."
"Don't be people think I do it to myself And you did the right thing being concerned about someone's health and happiness."
"Thanks and here's your pictures."
We leave and I'm staring at the pictures when I get in the car and admire our unborn baby.
"Hey Zi what do you think the gender is?"
"I don't know I hope a girl because I want my little girl to be just like her mama, what about you?." He said that while pulling my hand up and kisses it.
"I hope it's a boy because I've always wanted a boy first plus I want a little boy that looks like you and is like you."
"What about names?" I ask.
"If it's a girl maybe Rosalina or Katarina, If it's a boy maybe Angel or K.J."
"I love them."
"What about you do you have any ideas?"
"If it's a girl, I like your names and if it's a boy, I don't know."
"Well we have a while till the baby comes so we can always find another name."
"Wait Zion how are we going to tell your fans your 18 and I'm 17 and we have a baby on the way?"
"Oh shit I didn't think about that imma have to talk to the guys."
We get back to his place and he calls the boys downstairs.
"Guys we gotta talk!"
They all come downstairs in the living room.
"What the problem?" Nick asked.
"How is Zion going to tell Prettymuch's fans that I'm pregnant?"
"Shit we gotta figure something out."Brandon said.
"Ya but what?" Zion asked.
"Well you guys are gonna have to tell them straight up."Austin claimed.
"We prolly are going to have to."I said as Zion sat down and grabs me and places me in his lap.
"And if your gonna do online schooling than you won't have to worry about people coming up to you at school."Edwin claimed.
"True but your guys fans hated the fact I was Zions girlfriend a lot of them did."
"And they warmed up to you pretty fast baby."
"True and what about your managers and everyone else in charge?"
"They'll have to deal with it." Zion said.
After coming up with ideas the guys had places to be and Zion and Me went upstairs and cuddled on his bed.

All of a sudden I got horny.
I climb on top of Zion and start to kiss him.
"Baby I want you right now." I said I'm a sex voice.
"Woah baby what came over you?"
"I don't know but come on I need you."
"Um okay."
He sits up and pulls me closer and kisses my neck and sucks on my sweet spot.
I start grinding on him with all clothes on.
Since we woke up and went straight to the hospital we still had our "pjs" on he had a hoodie and sweatpants on and I had my bar and thong and his hoodie on.
He flips us so I'm on my back and he lifts the hoodie off my stomach and starts kissing my stomach.
He takes my thong off with his mouth and straight inserts too fingers and starts to finger me.
"Fuck baby." I moan.
He brings himself up and still fingers me and starts to kiss me as I moan.
Every time I moaned he'd kiss me. He did the "come here" motion to make me squirt and it took a minute but then I squirted and he cleaned me off and the bed with his tongue then started to eat me.
"Ah fuck baby."
He grins while he eats me.
I push his head further in me and as close as I can get him to be.
"Fuck babygirl you taste so good."
He moves up my body while licking up all the way to my mouth, then he got on top of me and spread my legs further apart and started to grind on top of me while his pants were on.
He got up and took them of along with his boxers and then got back on top of me.
"Ready baby?"he moaned in between kisses.
"Yes daddy!" I moaned.
Be put the tip in which already stretched me a little, then he went fully and went up and down on me, it hurt but after awhile pain turn into straight pleasure.
"Ah baby fuck! Don't ... stop!" I screamed and luckily the guys were here.
"Shh babygirl shh." He moaned while kissing me.
I scratched at his back leaving marks.
After about a hour and a half we both came and then cuddle and feel asleep naked like always.

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now