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*Y/N's POV*

I walk downstairs waiting for Zion so he can take me home and I'm scrolling through Instagram explore page and found a fan page of Zion and see that it had a picture of me and Zion in his Jeep near school.
I yell "ZION!"
He comes running downstairs.
"What what's wrong you okay ????"
I'm fine but um your fans know about me boot this." I showed him the photos.
"Shit... there prolly pisses off that I didn't say I had a girlfriend."
"Should we tell them that I'm your girlfriend?"
"Only if you want to."
"I'd love to I wanna be in your life in everything."
"Now can you grieve me home so I can get my clothes and makeup and see my mom it's been nearly a week."
"Ya ya ya lets go."
He drive me home and drops me off.
"Wait baby be ready by 7 tonight."
"Okay and why?"
"You want to tell everyone well the guys and I have a party to go to tonight and people like paparazzi will be there. And I forgot to tell you my birthday is June 29th so in 2 weeks."
"Okay I'll be ready by 7 and we're doing something and I know nothing big because I don't even wanna have a big party for you."
"Okay baby see you at 7."
"Okay bye."
I walk in the door and shut it.
"Hey mama I'm home."
"Hey baby girl. I'm in the kitchen."
I walk in the kitchen and went up to her.
"Hey mom so tonight there's this party for the guys and they invited me and Zion and I wanna be in the public eye... so fans already found out do to a picture someone found us in public."
"Are you sure baby?"
"Ya mom I- I love him."
"Wait really oh my good I'm so happy for you."she comes over and hugs me.
"I gotta be ready by 7 so I'm gonna go now."
"Okay baby call me if you need help."
I run up to my room and see Jayden sitting on my bed.
"Get our Jayden I need to get ready."
"Nah it's been awhile I think imma just..."
He walks up to me and pushes me against the wall shutting the door and pull my pants and thong down and pulled his pants down and boxers down.
"Get the fuck off me!"
"Shhhh lemme do this."
I try getting out and it doesn't work he enters me and hurts me and grabs a pocket knife from his pocket and starts cutting me and choking me hard to where I can't breathe.
"No stop please get off me." I cry.
He laughs.
Zion came through the door.
"Hey baby you left your pho..."
He seen that Jayden was raping me and threw him off me and started to beat him. I passed out.
Zion called the cops and told him what he seen.
I wake up to people in my face.
"Wha what's going on?"
"Baby oh my god thank god your Okay. what happened?"
"He-he raped me again and started to cut me and choke me." Zion ran up to me and sat on the floor and pulled me close to him as I cried.
"Shhhh baby it's okay he's going to jail now shhh is okay."
"Wha-what about Shane?"
"I told them about him so they wanna to tests and see the scars."
"Hello miss I'm going to have to take you to the hospital."
"Where's my mom."
"I'm here baby." My mom comes running up to me and hugs me.
"Baby I'm sorry why didn't you tell me what they were doing to you."
"Mama I couldn't break your heart like dad did to you."
"What your father did to me for 13 years before and after you where born is different from this."
"Alright we have to take you to the hospital for the test but before that I have to see the scars." The policewoman said.
"Okay."I turn back and and took my shirt of aka Zions shirt. She sees the big bruise on my back and the ones that Jayden did. Then I turn around and show them the ones on my stomach and chest and pelvic bone. You can clearly tell which is cuts and hickeys.
My mom turns away crying and Zion hugs her, I could tell the police women was very uncomfortable with it.
"Where the hickeys from Jayden and Shane or someone else?"
"Erm the hickeys are from my boyfriend but the bruise and cuts are from Jayden and Shane. Sorry mom."
"Okay I'm going to take you and your mom to the hospital and let them know what type of tests you will have to be test for."
"Okay and what about Zion? And will I be able to go out tonight by 7?
"Oh about that baby it moved till tomorrow I got a call from Edwin."
"Oh okay."
"He will have to go in his own car and follow us."
We get to the hospital and get in a room and I have to give blood 3 vials and pee in a cup and a spit test.
The test came back from the cuts and it was pocket knifes with a blade that Jayden and Shane only had.
"We did a pregnancy test and I can back negative, we did just in case because of medicine." The doctor said.
"Okay." I took a huge deep breath.
Zion can over and started rubbing my back.
The doctor leaves and my mom is out packing Jayden's and Shane's clothes and things.
"Hey baby look on the bright side your not pregnant by anyone and look at it like this there gonna go away for awhile and you'll finally be really happy."
"I don't deserve you Zion."
"No I don't deserve you."
I look at Zion in the eyes.
I took a deep breath.
"I love you like I love you love you."
"I love you to."
We both kisses each other.
The police women walked in (Christine).
"Hey I just gotta finish this report then take you two to the station so you can't talk to them, your mom is down there waiting."
"Okay thank you i our in a minute."
I get dressed and we leave to the car.
We drive to the station and met up with my mom and went to talk to them both.
Zion and I are in the room then 3 police men walk in with Jayden and Shane.
I move closer to Zion holding his hand.
"Hi." Jayden said as he winked.
"Why what? We should be saying why are we in here you know that's all wrong." Shane said.
"Ya you told me to fuck you and choke you."
Zion states to get losses off.
"No she didn't I heard her say "Leave me alone"."
They laugh " Bullshit she told us to have sex with her and cut her and hurt her she said it was a turn on."
"No no I didn't I hated when you guys did that I couldn't say anything for my moms sake of happiness."
We go on arguing and they have to stay in Jail for 3 weeks until court.

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now