The guys continue to do the music and see if it matches.
After they get the beats down and lyrics we all go out to eat, then go home and I go to bed and the guys stay up and play the game.
"I'm gonna go to bed goodnight guys."
"Goodnight." They all say and Zion came up to me and kissed me and said goodnight.
I went upstairs and put on sweatpants and a sports bra and went to bed.
I wake up to screaming.
I run downstairs.
"What the fuck is going on?!"
I see Jayden downstairs.
"Why the fuck are you here?"
"Ah my little sex buddy!"
"No the fuck I'm not, get the fuck out of this house now!"
I don't know how the guys aren't up.
"Z where the guys?"
"They went to get food."
The door opens and I'm hoping it's the guys but it's not it's Shane.
Jayden runs to the door.
"You got it?"
"Ya lets go."
Then they leave
"How the fuck did they get in?"
"I don't know? I heard the door opening thinking it was the guys and it wasn't."
"Call the police I've had enough of them having there free time."
I take Zions phone and dial 911.
"Hello I need to file a report?"
"Can you come to the station please? And what's your name?"
"Yes I can. And it's Y/N."
"Okay thank you."
"Okay I'll be in my way Okay thank you."
I hang up the phone.
"We gotta drive to the station."
"Okay let's go."
We leave and start driving until I realize I have a sports bra on and sweatpants.
"Baby do you have a sweatshirt or something in here I'm in a sports bra."
"Ya there should be one in the back."
I grab a sweater from the back and put it on then we arrive at the police station.
I walk up tot he desk. "Hello I called about 10 minutes ago saying I had to file a report."
"Are you Y/N?"
"Have a set please we will have a officer talk to you in a moment."
"Okay thank you."
We sit down and wait.
A few minutes later.
"Hello Are you Y/N?"
I stand up and she has her note pad out.
"So what do you have to file this report about?"
"So a few months ago my step brother and step father went to jail, because they both rapped and abused me for years, and they got let out for good behavior and the other night I had gotten a call from my moms boyfriend saying that there were 2 guys in the house trying to get to my baby sister which is my ex step dads child. And he had a gun on my moms boyfriend and my mom was tied up and they said if we told the cops they would kill me and my sister and my mom and everyone we loved which now that I think about it is I should have called and then today my ex step brother came to our house while I was asleep and I woke up to Zion screaming at Jayden to get out and then I run downstairs and I argue with him and then the door opens and it's my step dad but we both thought it was our roommates aka Zions band mates but it wasn't."
"Okay I'll put it in I'll be right back."
"Okay thank you."
Zions phone rings and it my mom so he hands me the phone and I answer.
"Hey mom is everything okay?"
My moms crying.
"N-n-n-no Z-z-z-Zoey is mi-ssing!"
"She missing I don't know where she is."
"Are you fucking kidding me!?"
The police officer comes back up.
"Is everything okay?"
"No I'm on the phone with my mom and my sister is missing."
"Y/N were are you?"
"We're at the police station Jayden and Shane were at our house."
"What!? I'll be down in 20 minutes okay?"
We hang up and I hand the phone to Zion.
"Tell the guys were here and check the whole house make sure the windows and door are locked."
"And my mom is on here way right now."
"Okay I just put the report in, do you have a picture of your sister?"
"Z do you have a picture of Zoey?"
"Ya I should."
He looks threw his camera roll and finds a picture of me and her from when she was born.
I realize what's happening and everything went through my head at once and I get flash backs from what they did to me and imagining what there doing to Zoey, I sit down and break down crying. Zion puts his arm around me.
"My sister is missing all I can think about is what they did to me and why they could be doing to her, she's just a baby."
"Shh baby calm down Shh." He says while rubbing my arm/
"Can you give us a minute please?" Zions asked.
"Sure I'll be back."
"My sister is missing what could they be doing to her, I never thought that they would do that to me so I can't think that they wouldn't be doing that to Zoey."
"Baby calm down Shh, they wouldn't I promise baby shhh please calm down."
I calm down a little bit and stop crying and my mom comes in and I run to her.
"My baby's missing my baby's missing."
"I know calm down, I'm starting to sound like Zion."
Zion laughs and comes up to us.
Then the officer does.
"Hello are you her mom?"
"Yes I am."
"Okay were going to have you file a report also then we will give you a call if we find anything."
"Here's all of our numbers."
"Okay we will give you a call."
We leave and my mom follows us and goes to our place.
We get there and the guys are there.
We all sit on the couch and my mom and Dan and Zion fall asleep and the guys went to there rooms and feel asleep and I'm still up.
I went upstairs to take a shower and when I got up there someone came from behind me and I passed out.

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)
Romance(This is being edited. I'm doing like 3 chapters at a time) You are girl that has moved hella times and finally moved to where her scars are healed... you hope