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3 months later

The past 3 months have been chill, I got my strength back and my mom gave birth to my little sister, Zoey.

"Zion wake up!"
"I'm up I'm up!"
"We have to go to my moms to watch my sister."
"Shit that's today?"
"Yes so get your ass out of bed and get dressed."
"Okay bossy."
"Hey don't call me bossy asshole."
"Ya ya ya."
We get dressed and go to my moms.
"Hey mom."
"Y/N Thank god your here."
"Why wouldn't I be we're supposed time watching Zoey."
"Ya not today anymore."
"I think you should sit down."
I go and sit down.
"We got a call from the prison Jayden and Shane were in."
She takes a deep breath.
"Shane and Jayden are getting let out on good behavior."
"WHAT???? NO!!"
"Y/N calm down babygirl we can work through this."
"How? We have shit to do, I've had surgery twice in one month and there going to except me to be giving birth soon!"
"They won't touch you I promise baby, I won't let it happen, I won't let you get hurt!"
"I know, but why are they, just because they got on good behavior? That fucking stupid! When are they getting let out?"
"Are you kidding me?"
I storm off back to the car.
Before I left out the door Zion said "just let her cool off it's hard for."
Then he chased after me.
He got in the car.
"Baby? You okay?"
"No this is just pissing me off there going to be back here and Shane's gonna wanna meet Zoey and Jayden and Shane are gonna wanna see me and my mom just no."
"Look at me." I look at him.
"I won't let them hurt you again I promise you that Y/N I promise, I love you to much to lose you, I'm happy that I met you and that your in my life."
I blush "I'm happy that I met you to and that your in my life and I love you to."
I lean over and kiss him.
*Zions phone rings*
"Hey Brandon."
"Hey Z so tomorrow we have a interview."
"Ight were on our way home we have something to tell y'all that know of us are gonna wanna hear."
"Okay we'll see you."
We get there and the guys are hanging out in there living room.
We walk in the living room.
"So Jayden and Shane are getting let out on good behavior tomorrow."
"What the fuck that's bullshit after what they did to Y/N?"They all said.
"Tell me bout it. There gonna wanna meet Zoey and see me and my mom."
"Like I said I won't let them hurt you again
"I know."
The rest of the day we all hung out like we did in school.
We went to bed and woke up early because the guys had a interview to go to then a award event.
"Babygirl get up we got places to be today."
"Leave me alone I'm tired."
"Come in Baby I'm gonna pick you up and throw up in the shower if I have to."
"Okay okay I'm up."
I get up and get in the shower and Zion joins.
He looks me up and down."
"God I've missed your body babygirl."
"Zion we don't have time."
"I know I know but lemme just admire your body for a minute."
"Okay okay I'm done."
Zions finished showering first and got dressed and went downstairs as I finished showering.
I finished showering and got out and seen a beautiful dress and a note.
"A beautiful girl deserves a beautiful dress, I love you babygirl. ~ Zion"
I dry myself off and put on this beautiful dark red long dress with a slit in the bottom that leads up to my thigh.
I put on my full face of makeup and the dark red heels that were with the dress, and I did my hair I curled it. I walked downstairs and I walked into the kitchen and Zions back is what I see as he's talking to the guys and Nick hits Zion and the shoulder.
"Man turn around."
He turns around and his jaw drops.
I laugh.
"Damn baby."
I laugh.
"Y'all Ready the limos here." Nick told us.
"Yes." All of us say.
We get in the limo and arrive at the place we're the interview is and there's paparazzi so I was last out because of the dress and since there was a slit and I'm not trying to flash.
Zion helps me out of the car so I don't flash and as soon as I get out all I see is flashing lights from the cameras. I wrap my arm around Zions and we walk up to the door and walk in.
Wee greeted by they producer.
"Hello come sit down."
We walk in and the guys sit in the chairs as I'm behind the camera because it's the guys interview.
"Good morning America today we have Prettymuch here with us."
" Where Prettymuch Oooo"the guys say like they always do.
"Welcome to our show, so how are you all."
"Good." The Guys all say.
"So today we are going to be answering questions from people on Twitter."
"First question is from Lily_PM lately there have been pictures of Zion and Y/N going in and out of the hospital what is that about?"
"I think we should get Y/N in here for that."
Someone gives me a mic that's on my dress and they brought a chair up next to Zion
"Welcome to our show now what is the answer to the question?"
"Well my mom was in the hospital for a few months one reason being my mom gave birth to my little sister Zoey and my mom had a few things that had happened to her so she had to be hospitalized."
"Well congratulations on your sister."
"Thank you."
"Next question, From KJxxxJK asked when is the new Prettymuch album coming out?"
"We are currently writing some new songs but a album will be out in a matter of maybe 3 months."
We went on for questions.
" Last question from $Moneyxxzz asked there's photos of Zion and Y/N and the guys leaving the hospital Y/N in a wheelchair and leaving a court house what is that about?"
"Umm." I look at Zion.
"I don't think Y/N is very comfortable explaining the court house one and both of us aren't comfortable about the hospital one."
"Maybe one day, not now."
"Okay understandable anyway our time is up well thank you Prettymuch and Y/N for joining today's show."
"Your welcome." We all say.
We leave and get in the limo and drive to the award event.

Scars and healings //Zion Kuwonu (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now