Chapter 12

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Here is my Christmas present to you guys, Merry Christmas and happy new years.  Announcement at the end.

I stumble back and Nick charges me. I hear Ricky, Zeke, and Leo start arguing. I grab him and throw him into the lockers. Once he picks himself up, I roundhouse kick him in the face. Zeke grabs Nick and holds him back while Ricky is holding Leo off. "Get off me" Nick says struggling to get out of Zeke's grip. I wipe the blood off my face and wince in pain having forgotten about my hand. I look at my hand and see a bruise forming. "You two have become major assholes" Ricky says, "I don't even know who you two are anymore." "I don't even know who you two are anymore" Leo says, "Siding with the traitor instead of your best friends."

Nick manages to break free of Zeke's grip and charges me. I grab Nick and use his monument against him and flip him over my shoulder. He lands on the ground and I twist his arm behind back. Nick cries out in pain and tries to get out of my grip. "The more you struggle, the more it is going to hurt" I say. He stops struggling after I say that, "I thought you didn't even play for that team." "What in the world are you talking about" I ask. "Your dad says you like guys" Nick says, "Your gay, so why are you going after Courtney?" I roll my eyes, I am gay...just not that type of gay. What? "I like girls" I say. "Then why did your dad say you like guys" Nick asks.

Because he is a homophobic dick that believes girls shouldn't like girls and boys shouldn't like boys. "I have no idea" I say, "And for the record I was never going after Courtney. Do you not remember the part where I move every few months?" I was just being myself and not an asshole like other people, cough Nick cough, and Courtney just happened to develop feelings for me. I look up and see Courtney, Destiny, and Zari walking over. I get off of Nick. Nick gets up and glares at me. "What's going on" Courtney asks and then walks over to me, "And also what happened to you?"

"I uh..." I say struggling to come up with a lie. "Nick slammed Valentine's locker door on his hand" Ricky says letting go of Leo. "What is wrong with you Nick" Courtney asks. "He took my girlfriend home, I was just letting him know that he needs to back off" Nick says. "First off I'm not your girlfriend, never have been and never will be" Courtney says, "Secondly, I only went to the party with you so that you would stop asking me out or to be your girlfriend." "But we had a good time" Nick says. "No, you had a good time, I couldn't wait for the night to be over" Courtney says, "You also abandoned me to talk to other girls while I almost got..."

Leo says, "It was-" "Leo, just shut up and stop making excuses for him" Destiny says interrupting Leo. Nick says, "It really was an honest mistake." "Look Nick, I don't see you like that, I only see you as an older brother" Courtney says. "Its all your fault" Nick says looking at me. He throws a punch at me. I grab his hand, twist it behind his back, and kick his knees out from under him. He falls to the ground and I dislocate his shoulder. Nick cries out in pain and I release him. "What the hell man" Leo says. "I did warn him" I say.

"What is going on? Why aren't you kids at lunch" a teacher asks walking up. "Valentine dislocated Nick's shoulder" Leo says. "He started it by punching me" I say. "Both of you go to the nurse then to the principal's office" the teacher says and walks off. I help Nick up and we start walking to the nurse's office. Courtney, Destiny, Zari, Ricky, Zeke, and Leo walk to the cafeteria. We get to the nurse's office and once she clears us, we start walking to the principal's office. Nick holds his shoulder and glares at me. We are about halfway to the principal's office when we hear a gun go off. We immediately run into an empty room and lock the door. We hide in the corner and text everyone to make sure they are ok.

A few minutes later Nick whispers, "Leo, Ricky, and Zeke are ok." "Destiny and Zari are ok" I reply. We hear the gun go off again. "Shit" I say. "What" Nick asks. "Destiny said that Courtney went to the principal's office to meet us" I say. "What if she was shot? What if she bleeds out" Nick asks, "What if-" "Shut up" I whisper, "I'm going to go get her." "I'm coming with you" Nick whispers. I whisper, "No you're not, your freaking out." "Yes, I am" Nick says standing up. I roll my eyes and get him in a choke hold. I keep him in a choke hold until he passes out. "Sorry" I whisper, "This is for your and Courtney's safety."

I hide Nick before walking out and closing the door. I quietly and carefully make my way to the principal's office. I make sure the coast is clear before entering. I close the door and whisper, "Courtney." I see Courtney come out from behind the principal's desk. I let out a sigh of relief and hug her. She hugs me back. "Come on" I whisper. I take her hand and lead her back to the classroom where Nick is. I peek around the last corner and don't see anyone. "Almost there" I whisper. We walk around the corner and I am just about to open the door when I hear the click of a gun.

I quickly turn around and push Courtney behind me. I see two guys in masks pointing their guns at us. "Well well well" one of the guys says, "We got ourselves a couple of stragglers." "On the ground" the other guy says. I slowly get on my knees and Courtney follows my lead. I hear the door open and "Oh shit." They guys look over at Nick. I push Courtney to the side and kick the guys legs out from under them and their guns go off. I quickly stand up and grab Courtney. Me, Courtney, and Nick start running. They guys in mask fire at us as we continue to run.

We turn the corner only to come face to face with a third guy with a gun. We turn and see the other two guys. One of the guys points their gun at Courtney. "No" I yell and jump in front of Courtney and I feel sudden pain. "Valentine" I hear Courtney yell then there is nothing but darkness.

I am going to need help writing some future stories. I need someone that can write smut scenes. If you are interested message me. 

Thanks for reading.  What did you think?  What do you think will happen next?  What do you want to happen next?  As always votes and comments are appreciated. 

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