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I decided to write an epilogue after requested by Fenwaypup.  Enjoy this bonus chapter.

I'm currently fixing the sink in the kitchen when I hear a scream from the garage. I jump up and run to the garage. I see my oldest daughter and kid under some boxes. "Cammie" I say running over taking the boxes off her, "Are you ok?" "Just a little sore" she says. I help her up, "What were you doing that made the boxes fall on you?" "Mom said what I was looking for was in one of these boxes" Cammie says. I sigh and shake my head.

I start putting the boxes back where they belong when Cammie opens one of the boxes and pulls out a picture album. She opens it and sees a picture of my dad and mom. "Dad" Cammie says, "Who are these people." "They are your grandparents" I smile sadly, "Henry and Ally Reid, my parents." Cammie continues to flip through the photo album. I pick up the box and begin to walk out of the garage, "Come on."

We walk out of the garage and into the living room. "Go get your brothers and sister" I say. She walks off to retriever her siblings and I walk into my room. "Hey" I say. "Hey" Courtney says, "Is the sink fixed?" "Not yet" I say, "Our daughter discovered our box of memories. I told her to get her siblings, I figured we could take a stroll down memory lane." Courtney smiles while grabbing my hand and walking to the living room with me following her.

We see our four kids already in the living room going through the box. We sit down on the couch and Cammie asks, "How did you meet?" "We met our senior year of high school" Courtney says. "We officially met in chemistry" I say, "But I saw you earlier during lunch because my personal escort and his friends pointed you out." "What did you think of each other when you met" Mike our oldest son and second oldest ask. "She was beautiful" I say, "And as cheesy as this sounds, it was love at first sight."

"He was handsome" Courtney says. "But I thought daddy was a girl" Amanda our youngest daughter and kid says. "Val is" Courtney says, "But I thought she was a he and I was never corrected." "You lied to mommy" Ethan our youngest son and second youngest kid says. "No, I didn't" I say, "She just like everyone else just assumed I was a guy, but I should have corrected everyone." "So then how did you find out" Mike asks. "Ya how did you" I ask.

"Remember when your dad called on your birthday" Courtney asks. "Yes" I reply. "I overheard your aunt and dad talking" Courtney says, "I was going to break up with you then, but I remembered it was your birthday and that would be a dick move so I decided to do it the following day. Then your dad died, and I would feel terrible, so I decided to wait a few weeks before I broke up with you. In that time, I realized I was in love with you so I decided to wait and see how long it was going to take for you to tell me."

"That would explain why you didn't seem surprised at prom when Nick outed me" I say. "That was an eventful prom" Courtney says. "Whose Nick" Ozzy asks. "He was part of our friend group until him and Leo outed your dad" Courtney says. "So when did you propose dad" Cammie asks. "My aunt gave me my moms ring during my first year of college, but I didn't propose til our third year of college" I say, "We then got married a few months after we finished our final year of college."

I pull out a picture from our wedding from the wedding. "That's your aunt Destiny and uncle Ricky, your aunt Zari, Zeke, Nick, and Leo" Courtney says, "I can't believe they came to our wedding." "I can't believe that Zeke kissed Nick" I say, "How did he even like that guy?" "I feel bad for him" Courtney says, "He got humiliated and rejected in front of everyone."

I look over at Cammie, Mike, Ozzy, and Amanda to see them going through the box and looking at everything. Courtney comes and sits in my lap. I smile at her and she smiles back. I lean in and connect our lips, "I love you Court." "I love you Val" Courtney says. Courtney leans back in and connects our lips. "Eww" Cammie says. "Get a room" Mike says. "That's a great idea" I say standing up with Courtney. Courtney squeals and wraps her legs around my waist and arms around my neck, "Val!" I smile at her as I walk to our room.

Thanks reading.  What did you think?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.  Remember to keep your eyes open for my new story.

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