Chapter 24

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Unfortunately this is the last chapter.  I have  a new book coming out soon called Pathogen.  If it sounds interesting please check it out.

It was just a normal any other day Friday, or so everyone thought. There is an outbreak of a new deadly pathogen. Now people are getting infected and turning into these zombie like creatures. Join Clarke Smythe on her journey and discover of what lays hidden in this new world.  

Nick appears on screen, "Something that I have learned in the past four years...let's see there is so much. I know, interesting fact, Valentine is in fact a she, not a he. I thought you should know the truth Courtney...I thought you should all know." The video ends and my eyes are wide. Everyone is whispering and looking at me. I look over to see all my friends are shocked while Leo and Nick are smirking. Mine and Courtney's eyes meet. I gulp, "Courtney...I can explain."

I walk over to Courtney, "I was gonna tell you, I swear." "Sure, you were" Nick says as he and Leo walk over, "You lied everyone, especially Courtney." "You sicken me" Leo says as Nick slings his arm around Courtney's shoulder. "I was going to tell Courtney" I say, "And for the record I never lied." "There you go again lying" Nick says, "When will the lies stop?" "What are you talking about" I ask, "I never lied."

"You lied to everyone about being a boy and you led Courtney on" Nick says. "No" I say, "Everyone just assumed that I was a guy, I never said I was a guy. I probably should have corrected people, but I didn't, and I will take the blame for that." "He...she does have a point" Ricky says. "Shut up Ricky" Leo says. "For not correcting everyone I apologize" I say. "When" Courtney asks. "When what" I ask. "When were you going to tell me" Courtney asks.

"Remember the day after my birthday when I told you I needed to tell you something" I ask. "Yes" Courtney replies. "I was going to tell you then, but we got interrupted" I say, "And I was planning on telling you tomorrow so that I wouldn't ruin prom for you." "Sure, you were" Nick says, "When will you stop lying and just admit the truth?" "Your pathetic" Leo says.

"That is the truth" I say, "And I don't care what you or anyone else thinks. You and everyone else can judge me all you want, the only person's opinion I care about is Courtney's. And for what its worth...I'm so sorry Courtney, I never meant to lead you on, and my intention was never to hurt you. Whatever you decide to do I will respect." "I personally could care less" Ricky says, "You're like one of the bros." We high five and fist bump. "I forgive you Valentine" Destiny says and hugs me. "You just better not lie to us again" Zari says joining in on the hug.

Courtney slightly pushes Nick's arm off her shoulder and walks over to me. "Your right" Courtney says as Destiny and Zari give us space, "I shouldn't have just assumed that you were a guy and that was my fault, but you should have corrected me. I wish you had told me from the beginning, but I understand why you didn't. I wish you had told me the truth instead of me finding out from someone else." I nod my head, "I understand and I'm sorry."

I go to walk away but stop when Courtney starts speaking again, "I've been doing a lot of thinking since I found out." I turn around and look at Courtney. "When I found out I was shocked and angry" Courtney says, "I was going to break up with you right then and there, but I realized that would be a dick move so I was going to do it the following day. Then everything went down and it gave me time to think. It made me realize something."

"What did you realize" I ask nervously. "That you're a piece of shit" Nick says walking up and grabbing Courtney's hand, "Lets get out of here." Courtney walk up to me and slaps me. "I deserved that" I say. "That's for not telling me the truth" Courtney says. Courtney raises her hand and I just stare into her eyes. I see her hand approaching my face and I just stand still waiting for the slap. She grabs my hair and pulls into a kiss. I am in shock and before I can react, she pulls away. "I realized that I love you" Courtney says. I smile and say, "I love you too and I am so sorry for not-" Courtney stops my apology by kissing me and I kiss her back.

We separate and smile at each other. Zari, Destiny, and Ricky begin to cheer and soon everyone except for Leo and Nick join in. "This is bullshit" Nick says, "This isn't how this is supposed to end. I'm supposed to get the girl and Valentine is supposed to lose." "Give it up already" Ricky says. "Valentine wins and you lose" Zari says, "Get over it." Nick glares at me and walks out of the gym followed by Leo. The music starts back up and everyone begins dancing.

I hold out my hand and Courtney accepts it. We walk onto the dance floor and start to dance. Ricky, Destiny, and Zari join us. "Let's get out of here" Courtney whispers in my ear after dancing to a few songs. I look at Courtney and asks, "Are you sure?" "Positive" Courtney replies. "Your wish is my command" I say. We walk out of the gym hand in hand smiling.

One Month Later

"Valentine Reid" the principle says. I walk onto stage and shake his hand while accepting my diploma. My aunt, the rest of my family, and the Moon family is cheering for me. I smile while my aunt snaps a quick picture and walk back to my seat. I catch Courtney look at me and flash her a smile. Courtney smiles back. Once everyone has received their diplomas, everyone stands up and places their tassels on the other side of their hats. "I present to you the class of twenty- nineteen." The crowd cheers as everyone throws their hats in the air.

I walk off the stage and wait at the agreed upon picture area. "Val" I hear and turn just in time to catch Courtney. "We did it" she says while I spin her around. I smile and kiss her and she kisses me back. "I can't wait to go to college with Destiny, Zari, Ricky, and most importantly my Amazing girlfriend Courtney" I say. Courtney giggles as I lean in and kiss her again.

I can't wait to marry this girl.

Thanks for reading.  If Pathogen sounds interesting make sure to check it out.  Thanks for over thirty thousand total reads.  Thanks for over three thousand reads on chapter one, two thousand reads on chapter two, and a thousand reads on chapter three through eighteen.  What did you think?  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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