Chapter 20

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I pull into Courtney's drive way and turn off the car. I then get out of the car, walk over to her door, and knock. A few seconds later Anabel answers and invites me in telling me Courtney will be ready in a minute. My dad left yesterday for a year, after a I just got him back after I lost him for four years. Oh, the irony. I smile and shake my head. I check my phone and see that I have been waiting for a few minutes. Since me and Courtney became official, I always pick her up and we drive to school together.

"Hey babe" Courtney says walking over smiling. "Hey" I say smiling and giving her a peck on the lips. "Bye mom" Courtney says as we walk out of her house and to my car. I open the door and Courtney flashes me a smile. The drive to school is filled with a comfortable silence and Courtney holding my hand. I park the car and we head to our lockers. I get everything I need and go to Courtney's locker. Our group of friends walk up. We talk for a bit before the bell rings and then go our separate ways.

The day went by slowly, I spent most of it thinking about my dad. Nick gave me some bullshit apology and I went along with it just so that he would shut up. Me and Courtney ate lunch on the bleachers outside. We talked and stole kisses here and there. When lunch was over, we walked to chemistry hand in hand. Instead of paying attention, we messed around the entire period. We then went to P.E. and we played dodge ball. I always went for Nick and Leo and they were always out because of me. They were never able to hit me.

When school ended, me and Courtney went to my house since it was just me, my aunt wasn't going to be here til tomorrow. I unlock the door and we walk into the living room. I get us something to drink and some snacks. We start our homework. A couple hours later, I just have the English homework to finish and my brain is fried. "Need help" Courtney asks. I nod and Courtney sits next to me. Thanks to Courtney, I finish in fifteen minutes. "Thanks" I say smiling at her. "No problem" Courtney says, "How are you?" "As good as I can be" I say sighing, "It sucks that I won't see my dad for a year, but after this, he is retiring. Now that I can't wait for."

"I don't have to go home yet" Courtney says, "What do you want to do?" "I don't know about you, but I'm hungry" I say, "Pizza?" Courtney raises her eye brow. "Ok, that's a no for pizza then" I say, "Chinese?" Courtney giggles and straddles me. She wraps her arms around my neck and my hands rest on her hips. "I had something else in mind" Courtney says and connects our lips. I smile and kiss her back. The kiss is slow and there is nothing rushed about it. I trail kisses down her jaw and her neck. I find her and she moans while tangling her hands in my hair.

I trail kisses back up her neck and jaw. I reconnect our lips and pull her closer. I run my tongue along her bottom lip and she opens her mouth. My tongue enters her mouth and explores her mouth. Courtney begins to grind on me. I release a moan and I feel Courtney's smirk. Courtney pulls away and I groan. Courtney takes off her shirt and my eyes widen. "Woah..." I say. She then grabs my shirt and goes to take it off. Before she is able to pull off my shirt, I flip us over so that she is laying down on the couch with me on top of her. I hold her hands above her head with one hand and connect our lips.

We continue to make out and it turns heated. "Valentine" we hear someone screech. I immediately get off of Courtney and turn around to see my aunt. Shit, she isn't supposed to be here til tomorrow. "Are you going to introduce me" my aunt asks. I grab Courtney's shirt and hand it to her. She quickly puts it on looking embarrassed. "This is my girlfriend Courtney" I say, "Courtney this is my aunt Abigail." "Valentine" my aunt says, "A word." I nod and follow my aunt into the kitchen. We enter the kitchen and my aunt turns to me arms crossed raising her eye brow.

"You weren't supposed to be here til tomorrow" I say. "And that gives you permission to do whatever you want" my aunt asks, "And does my brother know?" "We were just making out" I say, "And yes, he knows." "That's not what it looked like to me" my aunt says. "I wasn't going to let it go any further" I say, "In fact I was about to give an excuse to stop." My aunt gives me the really look. "I was" I say and then whisper, "She doesn't know." "That your intersex" my aunt whispers, "I'm pretty sure she knows now." "No..." I whisper, "That...that I'm a...I'm a girl." "What" my aunt asks.

"All my friends think I'm a guy and I didn't correct them because I thought I was moving in a few months" I whisper, "And then my dad said we weren't, so now I'm trying to figure out a way to tell them. Its hard, I've never actually had to do this." "Oh, wow" my aunt says, "You need to tell her soon." "I know" I say. "We will talk later" my aunt says, and we walk back into the living room. "Don't worry Courtney" my aunt says, "I want tell your parents. I was a teenager once too, I know what that's like." "Thank you" Courtney says, "And I'm sorry." "Its fine" my aunt says, "Now, who's hungry?"

We decide on pizza and my aunt orders it. While we are waiting, my phone rings and I answer it. "Hello" I say. "Hey Val" I hear my dad say. I smile and step out of the room. "I can only talk for a few minutes" my dad says, "How are things going?" "I miss you. So far everything's good" I say, "Aunt Abigail arrived a little while ago." "I miss you too" my dad says, "That's good, she wanted to surprise you." "Oh, I was definitely surprised" I reply, "How are you?" "As good as I can be" my dad says, "I have to go Val, I'll you again as soon as I can." "Ok" I say, "Bye dad, I miss you." "Bye Val" my dad says, "I miss you too." He hangs up. I walk back into the living and see the pizza has arrived. I grab a slice and start to eat while we all talk.

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