A Blossom of Many Talents

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The Celestial Palace.

Making their way up the steep set of stairs, Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan mentally prepared themselves for what lay ahead.  They had come to a final decision the night before and seeing as there was no real reason to wait, they didn't.  

Having already sent ahead Mi Gu to inform them of their arrival, they were not sure what to expect when they arrived, but on entering, not only was Haode, his sons, Lord Pua and Di Jun present, but so were some of the Celestial Goddesses who had tried to ensnare the War God in the past, and though they gave up chasing him, they never gave up the dream that he would one day choose them in the future.  After all, he was the War God and the only son of Father Immortal, he would have to marry one day if he was to produce an heir.

Feeling a little unnerved by the number of people present seeing as Bai Zhi and Zhe Yan rarely visited because of the overwhelming grandeur and pomp, the welcoming  bows and the retinue of maids and guards that led them in, soon had both men wondering what they were getting themselves into.

But having already entered the Parlour and with no option but to continue, they gave each other a look of encouragement before taking the proffered seats while wine and refreshments were placed to the side for their enjoyment.

"You rarely visit, so forgive me if I seem a little taken aback."  Haode said with a smile as they looked about the Parlour.

"Ahhh yes, well, my wife and I have only just returned from our travels." Bai Zhi replied with a polite nod of his head.

"Then it makes your visit that much more special." Haode replied laying on the sweet talk thickly and to Bai Zhis mind sickeningly.

"Thank you.  You are too polite." Bai Zhi said, now wishing that Zhe Yan would step in, because small polite talk was never his strength.

"Well, I must say, your visit is certainly welcome, may I ask what brings you here?" he asked as all eyes narrowed in on the both of them.

"We are still very busy and will be leaving to travel again shortly, however, there is an important issue we wish to raise." Zhe Yan said taking over with a slight nod towards Lord Pua who took one step forward.

"We of the Fox Clan request a marriage alliance between  Mo Yuan the Master of Kunlun Mountain and also known as The God of War to our daughter Queen Bai Qian of the Qing Qiu." Zhe Yan said in an official tone which instantly earned him a few gasps from the Goddesses and a stunned look from Haode.

More than a little shocked, Haode, thoughtfully pulled on his beard as he thought about their request.  A marriage to Mo Yuan, meant a marriage into the Celestial Heavens, and for it to be the Fox Kings only daughter, one that was reputed to be exceptionally beautiful and the Queen of their worlds largest Tribe, he knew he would be an utter fool to reject it.

"We'll I must say, I was not expecting that." he said to a round of polite laughter.

"Then you will consider our request?" Bai Zhi asked just as politely.

Turning to Lord Pua and then to Di Jun, silent communication passed between them, before Haode stood to make his way down the stairs.  

"We will notify Mo Yuan directly, and should he have no issue, we will most definitely consider it." he replied to more gasps and even wider eyes from everyone in the Hall.

Though if anything, he was stalling for time, because, he along with Di Jun and Lord Pua knew, Mo Yuan would absolutely fight it.


Making his way to the large flat rock below her deck, Mo Yuans pastel blue flowing robe caught the breeze which sent it fluttering lightly about his legs as he stepped over a few smaller rocks to reach his meal which she had laid out for him to enjoy in the late afternoon sun.  

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