Chapter 1: Running

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A/n: For those of you who have noticed, this chapter is different from when you first encountered it. For old readers that is. I have decided to rewrite or edit some of these chapters since it has been a long time and I feel cringe when I read the first version. So, enjoy this upgraded version, with some more information and better storytelling <3

Edited/Rewritten: 2/2/2022

Narrative's POV:

It was a stormy and relentless night. Rain bashing the town below with its fury and torment. It was not a pleasant night to stay out or even walk along with the glowing full moon. There were Death Eaters, Voldemort was still on the rise. No one was safe from his devastation and anger after the betrayal he endured. Not even his own trusted council. Yet. Somewhere, there were people. Running. No. Chasing. Someone was being hunted down, a woman.

She was dressed in robes, waterproof but it did little to protect her from the pouring rain as the furious wind exposed her cold skin below. Her shoes were wet and squished against the pavement as she ran full speed, her heart racing out of her chest as the pain was setting in. But she could not stop. The rain and lightning provided some cover for her, but it was not enough to thwart the Death Eaters. She knew they would catch up with her sooner or later. It was inevitable. Her child would be murdered.

In her arms, clutched a little baby. Not even a year old. She despised herself for casting a silencing charm on her own child. But it was for the best. Their baby needed to survive, to live.

Time was running out, she was not able to disapparate or apparate, her child wouldn't be able to handle it. Nor could she. Their ritual was completed. Their spell was completed. Therefore her wand and magic were no more. The silencing charm being her last one.

The yells and murderous intent of the Death Eaters were getting closer. She could not keep them away for long. Her lungs burned as her legs ached terribly, no one would help her. It was Death Eaters after all. But what will she do?! Time was leaving her, no one was able to help her. Not anymore...

That's when she spotted hope. One house was dimly lit, it looked cold, dark, and alone. But she would have to risk it. Otherwise, everything would be for nothing. She kicked up her speed and knocked on the door. Her green eyes widened with fear as she felt the Death Eater's presence getting closer. With panic and terror filling her soul, she decided to take off her robe and layer her child with it, to keep her protected from the elements as best she could. Then, with a trashcan right next to the house she knew what she needed to do. The Death Eaters would surely notice her child on the doorstep. So with an aching and bleeding heart. She gently kissed her baby's soft (s/c) colored cheek. The little infant's eyes opened revealing their magnificent color to her mother. One last time. Her left eye (e/c) whilst the other was green and blue.

"I love you... We love you, my little baby girl..." With a heart-aching sob, she opened the lid and placed her child in the trashbin. The little baby's eyes showed a little confusion before they disappeared from the lid being closed. With that, the woman ran.

Her body only driven to have the Death Eaters as far away from her child as possible. She hoped. She prayed to Merlin. That someone would find her, take care of her, raise her. To never have to live in darkness, fear, and hatred like today. The thought was comforting to her. As did the memories of her loved ones.

Before a bright green light went through her being. Her lifeless body, on the outskirts of the town. Surrounded by Death Eaters. Who had finally caught up to her.

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