Chapter 13: Midnight Duel

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Y/n's Pov:

It was 11:30 PM. I quickly changed and got my wand before I went into the common room. I didn't see Malfoy or Goyle or Crabbe, so they must've left already. I exited the dungeons and managed to avoid being detected by anyone. As I made my way over to the Gryffindor Tower I spotted Hermione, Ron, and Harry and swiftly went over to them.

"There you are! I was getting worried." Ron whispered, meanwhile Hermione looked stressed out, biting her nails glancing at the empty portrait.

"Did you see Draco and his punks?" Harry asked while he looked out for Mr. Flinch and his darn cat.

"No, I figured they left," I answered back. Hermione continued to look miserable and frightened," Guys we should really just stay here! Maybe the lady will come back and give us mercy!"

I grabbed her hand and dragged her with us, rolling my eyes at her goody two shoes personality. "Now's not the time to whine Hermione!" I scolded. So, off we went to battle Malfoy and his two wacky goons. 


We were in the trophy room waiting for Malfoy and his henchmen. It was taking forever for them to arrive and we worked out that they were just cowards. Until we heard Mr. Flinch's voice and some meows. We all bolted and ran, but Ron accidentally knocked over some armor. Harry helped him up and we all continued running from the wrinkly old man and Mrs. Norris. 

We ended up in the Charms corridor catching our breaths. Hermione was the first one to speak up," Malfoy tricked you, Harry, h-he wanted you guys to get in trouble with Mr. Flinch!" She said breathing between the words.

"That bloody coward!" I spat angrily looking out for Mr. Flinch and the cat when Peeves popped up right in front of me. "Peeves?"

He looked mischievous and gave me a creepy smile. Oh please no.

"Run!" I told them as I grabbed their hands and ran.

"STUDENTS IN THE HALLWAYS STUDENTS IN THE HALLWAYS!!!" He screeched loudly, sending crackles throughout the halls.

We reached a hallway with a locked door and we heard Mr. Flinch running towards us! His cat trying to sniff out our trail. 

"Alohomora!" Hermione whispered, unlocking the door. We all rushed in and closed the door being completely quiet...

"Peeves! Where are those damn kids!" Flinch grumbled, but Peeves just giggled at him and must've left since we heard his laughing becoming more distant.

"Damn poltergeist!" He muttered angrily before we heard him walking away. The cat meowed down the hall, but Mr. Flinch didn't go down the hallway, instead went away from it. Soon after, the cat followed. 

After a few seconds, we all relaxed until we saw a black three-headed dog sleeping.


"Don't... make any... n-" ACHOO" Ron sneezed, (Goddammit Ron!!!)

The three headed dog woke up and soon realized we were in the room. We all screamed as we opened the door barely missing a painful death by that beast. We were able to close the door and we all scurried to a passageway that led to the Gryffindor common room. The Fat Lady was now in her portrait, sipping a cup of tea. Harry quickly said the password and the guardian allowed us to enter. But not before she glances at my robes and glared at me. Ron and Harry defended me by saying I was their friend. When that still wasn't enough I complimented her dress and that was enough to get me on her good side. So with that I was in the Gryffindor common room. The room layout was exactly like Slytherin without the piano but in their theme colors. Thankfully no one was awake and were probably all sleeping in their dorms.

"What are they doing keeping a deadly creature locked up in a school!?" Ron questioned, sitting on the couch. Him being the first to break the dreadful silence of almost being eaten alive.

"I don't know, but that creature was standing on a trapdoor, guarding something." Hermione said looking at us with a serious expression.

"Guarding something?" Harry said," Like what?"

"I don't know, but I'm going straight to bed, before you three get another idea that can get us killed, or worse expelled." She then walked off into her dormitory.

"She's got to sort out her problems." Ron commented. I gave him a hard smack in the head (Severus Style).


"Welp, I'm going to go back to my dorm, catch you guys later." I articulated before leaving a Ron rubbing his head and a smiling Harry.

After some sneaking maneuvers, I made it back to my dormitory, checked on (S/n) who was sleeping in his nest, changed into my pajamas and went to sleep after a long day of playing cat and mouse.

But of course. Nightmares always greet me in the welcoming darkness. 


It's so cold. Why is it so cold? I feel everything draining from my body, my life, memories, and happiness. I am helpless against it. It looms over me like a engulfing shadow, its freezing touch on my face as it gets closer. And closer. Until it is within me. It is me, and I am it. So, I die along with it. 


Hello readers! Apologies for the short update, I was recently going on a camping trip with my family so I didn't have the time to write much throughout it. Hopefully it goes smooth and we don't go camping anytime soon again. (Because there's a pandemic going on I mean come on family-)

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