Chapter 4: Start over

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Serena's POV

Earlier I saw the worst thing ever, Misty trying to kiss Ash. I ran crying and Dawn saw me and asked, "Serena, what's wrong?" I told her, "I saw Ash basically cheating on me!" She was in shock, then she took me by the hand and took me to the place where I saw Ash and Misty. When we got there Misty was soaked and angry and it was the same for Ash but he wasn't wet. He came up to and tried to touch my hand, I jerked it back. "I don't want our talk or look at you right now Ash, so leave me alone!" I yelled. He then got a disappointed face. "PikaPi" Pikachu said. "Look what you've done, Ash! You broke her heart," Dawn said. Then he said, "It wasn't my fault it was Misty! She tried to kiss me," Then Gary and Bonnie came,* Great even more people. I thought Bonnie asked, "Are you Okay, Serena?" I said, "Other than this yeah I'm fine. But Bonnie, Dawn can you come with me?" They were confused but still nodded, then I took them to the cabin and wrote a letter it said.

Dear Ash,

Not to make you sad or mad but I'm breaking up with you. It's just that I tend to get jealous of you knowing lots of girls that are your friend, especially Misty but not jealous.

Please Understand,


"Can one of you give this to Ash, I really don't want to talk to him right now," I asked. "I'll give it to him, and Bonnie can stand there for moral support," Dawn said. So they walked out and I followed, but I was really far from them.

Dawn's POV

Me and Bonnie were walking and we finally arrived at where we were 10 minutes ago, but this time, Ash was sitting under a tree thinking and Misty was being helped by Gary. I went up to Ash and said, "This from Serena," He opened it and read it. "She's....breaking up with me?" He said in surprise. "Well, Misty was about to kiss you though, so she kinda thought you deserved it," Bonnie said. "Heh Heh, don't mind her she has a big mouth," I said. Ash said, "I'll be right back."

Serena's POV

I was hiding behind a tree and eavesdropping on them untill Ash came over to me, and kissed me on the lips. I blushed but still ran away, and he was chasing after me. He finally caught up to me, and said, "Serena, why can't we start over?" I said, "Because I can't get that image out of my head, of Misty trying to kiss you." I finally told him the words that made him happy and made him laugh, "Okay we're back together but this time I won't keep it a secret!"

* I know that Gary and Bonnie are on different teams than everybody, the actually quit the Camp after the kiss on the lips thing.

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