Chapter 19: You Are Not As Annoying As I Thought

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After Ash and Red had recruited with us, Ash was less annoying than ever. "Well Ash, you're not as annoying as I thought," I said. "Now that was a diss," Ash said. "Hey guys! I never knew you guys were still in Kalos!" A voice said. "Hey Korrina! How are you and Lucario?" Ash said as I took out the pokeball that contains my shiny Lucario. I took him out and told him to go and say hi to Korrinas Lucario, as soon as he left Korrinas Lucario immediately noticed my Lucario and ran to it. I wasn't really surprised that Korrinas Lucario ran to mine because Lucario is a cheerful pokemon, but fierce fighters.

A/N Whoop I'm back peeps and I made the shortest chapter ever. The reason why I haven't been around is because I have been so into anime that I haven't had time to write. I'm currently still watching SAO (Sword Art Online) and watching Fairy Tail. Baii people.

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