~Chapter 35~

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Everytime one if them came close to me, I would give them a death glare as a sign of no mercy.

It was finally sunset, so we all sat by the fire that I made and looked in the sky. I had decided to go to sleep early so I could wake up early so the 3 you-know-whos don't see me.

Me: Jirachi, I wish for you to make an alarm clock? (I know it's a stupid wish but who cares?)

Jirachi: Ji! (Ok!)

Jirachi used one of its tabs on its head and used it to get an alarm clock. I took the alarm clock and set the time and what time I want to wake up. I woke and the crack of dawn and this time I brought my towel with me, what I didn't notice was that Yellow and Dawn had woke up when the alarm turned on and they had come with me. I didn't mind that they were with me it's just that it felt kind of weird, Jirachi used Protect so the 3 you-know-whos can't get any closer.

The whole to the next gym was very silent, I had Jirachi use Amnesia so they wouldn't remember what happened and what they did. Now all they do is question why their faces hurt, but we keep 20 inches away from them so it's their problem. We had finally got to Alistar (I forgot the name >.<) City, and of course the first thing I do is goto the clothing shop. I bought a long dress coat with black OTK socks and a strappy purse, since it was cold I kept it on unitl we got to the room in the pokemon center. I flopped onto the bed thinking about what has happened in the past 2 days, but tomorrow will be a great day, because I'll beat Olyimpia.

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