~Chapter 32~

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??? POV

???(Me): So we've tracked down this Serena girl you've been talking about, is she really that strong?

Grunt: Y-Yes Sir! She defeated one of our strongest and stealthiest grunts in all of Team Flare! I say with all due respect that we do not tamper with her-

I grab the grunt by his collar and glare at him with my orange eyes

???(Me): You're not the giving orders, are you? But since you are in second in command I'll consider it. Instead I, Lysandre, the Leader of Team Flare will not not interfere with Serena the Pokemon Trainer. Instead of me interfering with her, my Pokemon will.

I sent out Heatran and sent him out to the wild to get Serena and her friends.

Grunt: But Sir!

Me: I will get Serena if it's the last thing I'll do. She'll be a great second in command for the girls.

*Now back to Serena*

Me: Okay Parker I'll trust you.

I sit to the ground and watch Parker get a Quick Ball from his bag and this other at the Pokemon.

The Pokemon: Heat!

The Quick Ball doesn't work on the Pokemon so I had come to the conclusion that the pokemon is already owned by someone.

???: Heatran, return.

A dark figure came out of the woods with orange hair, Orange suit and tie holding a Ultra Ball that Heatran was in. Jirachi had fallen asleep so the Protect shield had fallen, the man walked up to me out of all people.

Me: Wait a minute, I know this suit... You're part of Team Flare!

???: Ah, your observation skills are at its fullest. Yes I'm part of Team Flare, but I'm the Leader and Creator of Team Flare. So everything that's happened to you from Team Flare it was planned by me.

He took his hand and touched my face, Ash flinched at him and cane forward. I also flinched at him and sweatdropped.

Ash: You stay away from Serena!

Lysandre: So I'm guessing that you're her current boyfriend, Ash Ketchum, the boy from Pallet Town, Kanto. I know all of you because I've been watching your every step.

He holds my chin and glares at me and I grit my teeth at him. He smirks at me and just glare at him. Everyone had walked backwards except for Ash, and he comes up to me.

Me: Don't worry Ash, I'll be okay.

Lysandre: Huh, you keep your confidence up for a while Serena, it'll fade away quicker than the blink of an eye.

He picks me up and runs out of the forest, I put my arm out to reach for Ash, but Lysandre had ran too far for me to reach. I kicked and flew my arms everywhere but we had reached the building and he punched me hard enough for me to black out.


I had finally woke up and a rush of cold air had flowed over my body, my pokeballs were right next to me but I was tied up so I couldn't get them. My hands had glowed pink and the heat from them burnt the rope, I was able to untie my legs and took the duct tape off my face. I got my pokeballs and bag then left the room. I had left the building and looked for my friends and found them after a few minutes

Ash: Serena! Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?

Me: No he didn't, I'm going to go look for him!

I ran into the woods only to be grabbed again by Lysandre.

Lysandre: You're not leaving Team Flare, or I'll kill your boyfriend!

Me: You can do anything to me, but don't hurt anyone else! They didn't do anything.

I hadn't been paying attention that Lysandre was holding my clothes, so I push him down to the ground

Me: You idiot!

I had got the flames in my mouth again and I had named it something the first time I got flames. (Get ready for the reference)

Me: Fairy Dragon Roar!

All the flames in my mouth had grouped up into one big roar and it directly hit Lysandre making him burnt to a crisp. He ran back to the Team Flare Hideout and I finally changed.

Ash: Are you okay, I heard you yell, "You idiot!"

Me: Yeah, I don't think that we'll be seeing Lysandre for a long time.

*Lysandre POV*

Me: That impulsive brat! She's beat one of us again! I was close too. I'll have to use Plan B for this child, it seems like it'll be harder to get a girl for second in command.

I had taken a shower and changed then walked to my office, pulling out a folder saying, "Plan B". It had said multiple things that I can definitely do to get her attention.

Me: I'll also need to get some of her DNA so I can be a Fire Dragon. This'll be the greatest plan ever and, and all I need is that pesky boyfriend of hers out of the way.

Grunt: Sir, it seems that she has an impecable team of Pokemon! A Delphox, Lucario, Jirachi, Sylveon, and Pikachu! All very rare Pokemon and at the peak of their strength.

Me: Grunt I need you to do me a favor, get rid of Serena's boyfriend for me. If you accomplish that I'll double you minimum wage.

Grunt: Double? Y-Yes sir!

He had left the building in a hurry, holding his strongest Fire Type Pokemon and a few different types of pokemon. I still sat in my office thinking of the outcome, he could either get Ash Ketchup and get double his regular minimum wage or lose and get nothing in return for trying.

Me: Wait, how am i supposed to get that much money!? His minimum wage is $500! I really should of thought this through.

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