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Your abilities and yes, there are many. I looked up some of these and I tried to imagine each ability that can go with the Avengers/Marvel characters.

Tony Stark/Ironman, born with it.

flight- you have angel like wings.

Energy orbs and blast- you can throw white balls of burning hot energy that glitters towards your enemies to knock them out or cause great damage.

super sight- you can see the dust bunnies in the corner from across the room.
Steve Rogers/Captain America, you had a freak accident.

Time freezing/traveling- you control something that Steve fears most of all. Whether it's 1,000 years ago, 1,000 years in the future, or just rewinding just a few minutes, you can freeze and travel through time with the flick of your wrist. You can't bring anyone else with you and you usually lose your clothes whenever you reach your destination. You have the power to change the past and control the future, but you wear the burden of all knowing heavily on your shoulders.

Superhuman indurance- Like Steve, you are stronger and can run faster. You're metabolism is 4x the normal persons so you can't get drunk or age. It's the affects of time travel and self-sustainability.

Self-sustainability- this power removes or takes away the ability to need what a regular persons body would need (ex: water, food, air). So you can be stranded in another time period without food or water or air for five months and be okay.

Teleportation- one moment you were there and now you are here. You can even open portals to wherever you can envision in your mind—as long as it exist. Also, you can teleport/time travel to other dimensions.

Thor Odinson/God of Thunder, born with it.

Prehensile Hair -the power to use one's hair to grasp and manipulate objects. Sub-power of Hair Manipulation. You're like Rapunzel!

Hair Manipulation -no damage can come to it.

You Can Talk To Animals -you can understand what they are saying.
Loki Laufeyson/God of Mischief, born with it.

Telepathy/Mind Control- you can read minds, mentally communicate, and control others minds and thoughts. You are not only Loki's love, but his weapon of destruction.

Sonic scream- your scream is so intense that it breaks all things glass and can cause anyone who hears it to go deaf. Even though your power to scare away others, your ability has caused you to go partially deaf.
Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk, born with it.

Enhanced Flexibility/Elasticity- the Hulk can't hurt you because your elastic body can stretch to any length and he couldn't physically hurt you in a fight. Only cold temperatures are against you.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye, freak accident.

Fire manipulation- your entire body goes up into flames, even your hair. You can shoot fire balls out of your hands or light a candle with just one blow.

Flight- you can fly
King T'Challa/Black Panther, born with it.

Metal manipulation- You can control all types of metal but become incredibly weak when your surrounded by plastic. You could destroy half the Avengers suits with them in it.
Peter Parker/Spider-Man, freak accident

Ice manipulation- you're Elsa.
Sam Wilson/Falcon, born with it.

Water manipulation- you control water in all ways. You can cause a flood or end a drought as long as you have a bottle of water. Like a mermaid, you can breath underwater.
Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider, born with it.

Telekinesis- ability to manipulate objects through the force of mind. You and Wanda both have this in common. Freaks Sam out at dinner when he asks for you to pass the salt.
levitation- floating in mid air controlled by one's own mind.

psionic energy- ability to project energy blast and orbs

Neuro-Electric Interfacing -ability to manipulate physical forces like friction and gravity.
Dr. Steven Strange/The Wizard, freak accident.

universal manipulation/unikinisis- control the universe and anything/everything in it.

spell casting- you can cast spells upon other people.

Duplication- You can duplicate or clone yourself. This freaks out the person you are fighting but Wade likes to use it when you're just hanging out on the couch.
Scott Lang/Ant-Man, experimented on.

Flight- you can fly.

phasing- walking/running/falling through walls, floors, closed doors, falling buildings, punches, and bullets.

levitation- floating in mid air controlled by one's own mind.
Peter Quill/Starlord, experimented on.

Invisibility- you can sneak into anything without being caught, as long as you're naked of course. It drives the guardians crazy when you're sad because you disappear.

Forcefield generation- when somebody is shooting at you or a car is going to crush you, you can shield yourself against anything that can cause harm to you.

Energy orbs and blast- you can throw purple balls of burning hot energy towards the bad guy and knock them out or cause great damage.
Wade Wilson/Deadpool, born with it.

Mentally Unstable- there's a reason why people calls you Crazy. You can hear voices and see things that aren't there. You're not afraid to hit a man with a metal pipe if the voices tell you to. Your "Puddin Pop" (Wade) is always shocked when you do something crazy and then just walk away as if it was nothing.

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