Those Special Moments

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Those special moments he loves and thinks about when you're on his mind.

Tony Stark/Ironman: When you don't let Tony interrupt your conversation with another person, you play with his fingers as you talk to the other person to reassure him that he will always be your center of attention.

Steve Rogers/Captain America: Steve is an older gentleman and he likes to dress in khaki pants and plaid button up shirt. You will sit on the bathroom counter and slowly button up his shirt before you help him tuck it in. And Steve especially loves it when you do his tie or an occasional bow-tie. What? You had a grandpa growing up.

Thor Odinson/God of Thunder: when you're ranting about something and he just sits there and smiles at how beautiful you are when you scrunch up your nose and get fiery.

Loki Laufeyson/God of Mischief: when you're feeding him grapes on the balcony and he pulls you into his lap and he tells you a his dreams of him ruling Asgard and how he would make you his queen and you'd rule together.

Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk: one time when you two were in the lab together, you pretended to not know how to use a tool and Bruce put his arms around you and he gently guided your hands through the project and later on, you did an even better job than him. Then when you realized you were caught, you happily compressed that you knew how do it the entire time and just wanted him to put his arms around you.

Clint Barton/Hawkeye: when you're practicing your fighting skills and you end up accidentally tripping him and you fall on top of each other and you broke down into laugher.

King T'Challa/Black Panther: when he forgets to hold the door open for you and when he finally does and apologizes, you say with your head held high and a smile on your face "Don't let it happen again."

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: In school, Peter took his shirt off and a bunch of girls began to giggle and stare at him. You had screamed at them and threw dodgeballs, scaring Peter and Ned, "GET YOUR EYES OFF MY MAN!"

Sam Wilson/Falcon: when he holds you when you have a nightmare. You don't remember it but he does, cause he has the scratch marks to prove that you woke him up late in the night and he held you until you fell back into a soothing sleep.

Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider: When you fell asleep in his lap again. You were so snuggled up that he didn't dare move you.

Dr. Steven Strange/The Wizard: When Strange tries to get up in the moment and you wrap your legs and arms around him while you beg the human heater not to get up out of bed.

Scott Lang/Ant-Man: When you eat, Your hair will get in your way. Scott will hold your hair back as you eat.

Peter Quill/Starlord: Quill had been punched hard in the nose earlier that day, he had tried to open and it came back and smacked him in the tender part of his nose. He tried to not cry but he failed. You made him lay down on his back and put some ice on it, making him cry out that his face hurts. You tell him "it's just your nose, silly." Then Quill looks deep into your eyes and says, "no, I think it's my heart."

Wade Wilson/Deadpool: when he ends up falling asleep on you and uses your boobs as pillows. And wakes up to boobs and drooled face.

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