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we all get nightmares and you are no exception.

Tony Stark/Ironman:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, you cry. You whine and cry, loudly. It will wake Tony up and he will drag you to the shower. He will stand there with you and hold you as you let the nightmare run through your head enough to where you have to shut it out.
Steve Rogers/Captain America:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, you talk in your sleep. Sometimes you wake yourself up and other times Steve will lull you back into peaceful sleep. You usually wake Steve up with your talking and he will listen for a while before deciding whether or not to lull (sing, hum, rub back gently) you to sleep or wake you up.
Thor Odinson/God of Thunder:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, you don't make a sound. You get very still and you are deathly quiet. The only thing that can be heard is Thor's snores. You usually wake yourself up.
Loki Laufeyson/God of Mischief:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, you softly whine in your sleep. Loki will hear your soft, distressed pleas and put his hand on your forehead so he can see what is bothering you in your sleep. You usually wake up to see his hand on your forehead and a small smile on his face. Usually your dreams aren't scary, just sad.
Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk:

~~~ no inspiration
Clint Barton/Hawkeye:

~~~no inspiration
King T'Challa/Black Panther:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, you sleep-run. You run around the palace in your sleep and usually run into a wall. You have no memory of how you got there and you break out into a panic attack.
Peter Parker/Spider-Man:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, you call/text Peter to make you feel better.
Sam Wilson/Falcon:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, you thrash and scream in your sleep. You can't wake up from your night terrors, you've tried before and it only makes the terror even worst. Sam will wrap his arms around you and try to calm you down. You usually scratch his arms up with your long nails and leave bruises where you kicked him. You usually can't remember your nightmares the next day and when you see the scratch marks/bruises on Sam, he makes excuses so you won't get hurt.
Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, you roll onto your back wind you sleep on your stomach. Then you freeze up. You don't move. Not until the nightmare gets to a point of torture. Then you will occasionally roll your head and begin to talk in your sleep. This always wakes Bucky up. The sound of your scared voice puts him on high alert. He will sit and wait until you wake up screaming/thrashing until he has to calm you down.
Dr. Steven Strange/The Wizard:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, Strange will make you tea and mediate.
Scott Lang/Ant-Man:

~~~ no inspiration
Peter Quill/Starlord:

~~~ no inspiration
Wade Wilson/Deadpool:

~~~ Whenever you have a nightmare, you wrap your arms and legs around him while you fight the demons in your mind. Wade usually doesn't wake up because he doesn't mind you smothering him while he dreams of shooting people and unicorns. But if he does wake up to find you having a nightmare, he will wrap his arms around you and say soft things until you calm down.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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