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do you have children? if so, how many? what are their names&gender?

Tony Stark/Ironman:
***Isabella "Bella"  —Only child, daughter
Steve Rogers/Captain America:
***Ella—First Born, daughter
***Christopher "Chris" —Second born, son
Thor Odinson/God of Thunder:
*** Thyra —First born, daughter
*** Esau (Pronounication: ee-saw) —Second born, son
***Jacob —Third born, son
Loki Laufeyson/God of Mischief:
***Deliliah —Only born, daughter
Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk:
***can't physically have children so he is the Uncle of all the Avengers kids.
Clint Barton/Hawkeye:
***he already has 3 other children with Laura
King T'Challa/Black Panther:
***Cain — First born, son
*** Niamh —Second born, adopted daughter
***Sarai —Third born, daughter
***Abel — Fourth born, son
Peter Parker/Spider-Man:
***Benjamin "Ben" Parker II —Only Child, son
Sam Wilson/Falcon:
***Isaiah —First born, son
***Giselle —Second born, girl
Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider:
***Elijah —First born, son
***Noah —Second born, son
Dr. Steven Strange/The Wizard:
***Savannah —Only child, adopted daughter
Scott Lang/Ant-Man:
***Cassie is enough children for the both of you
Peter Quill/Starlord:
***Peter doesn't want type of responsibility and doesn't find them to be of any use.
Wade Wilson/Deadpool:
***Ava  —First born, daughter
***Demi—Second Born, daughter
***Joy—Third born, daughter

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