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what does he do for you when you're on your period?

Tony Stark/Ironman: When you're on your period... Tony buys you anything and everything. Pads, tampons, Chocolate, stuffed animals, chick flicks, weed... you know the stuff that will ease the pain.

Steve Rogers/Captain America: When you're on your period... Steve takes it easy on you. He won't make you go the extra mile and will buy you ice cream after work.

Thor Odinson/God of Thunder: When you're on your period... Thor will help you with anything and everything. If you need to pick up groceries, he will hold the bags for you. If you need to walk your dog, he'll take Rover out. If you need  put your hair in a ponytail, he got you. He's really just got your back in this troubling times.

Loki Laufeyson/God of Mischief: When you're on your period... you lay around and nap a lot. In the afternoons, Loki will join you and be with you during your roughly time.

Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk: When you're on your period... even the Hulk is scared.

Clint Barton/Hawkeye: When you're on your period... You manage your pain and don't make a fuss. But every once in a while, Clint will catch you wincing and he will put a blanket (right out of dryer) on you and let you sleep.

King T'Challa/Black Panther: no inspiration

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: When you're on your period... Peter stays far away from you but will text you every once and a while if you're okay.

Sam Wilson/Falcon: When you're on your period... he will cuddle you and watch scary movies with you.

Bucky Barnes/Winter Solider: When you're on your period... Bucky will cuddle you and have mini conversations with you before napping.

Dr. Steven Strange/The Wizard: When you're on your period... Strange gives you Advil and Tylenol to sooth your pain. He will then stay away so he doesn't meet your angry side.

Scott Lang/Ant-Man: no inspiration

Peter Quill/Starlord: When you're on your period... Peter is cautious of you and will try his hardest to stay on your good side.

Wade Wilson/Deadpool: When you're on your period... Wade bakes you cookies and cupcakes as he wears a frilly apron that says 'Kiss The Cook'.

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