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No one POV

They already at a roof top, only seeing some couples around. "So do you enjoy the day out?" "Of c-course, who wouldn't" Tzuyu stutter. Sana put my arm around her waist and lean on her shoulder. "Just tell me already" sana sigh. "Tell what?"

"What do you think of me"

"Why so sudden?"

"Because i've been thinking bout it too long"

Tzuyu rub her nape, " a dork, a clumsy person, caring.. sometimes flirty" Sana's eyes widen. "Hey! Since when im a flirt?" Sana grit her teeth. "Calm down.. because you always did to me" Tzuyu smile worriedly.

Sana look away with her arms fold, "that not what i was asking either" moments of silence kill her curiousity. She was wondering why Tzuyu went quiet after what she said earlier. She then turn to Tzuyu and caught Tzuyu looking at her the whole time. More like, admiring. "W-why are you looking at me like that" Sana stutter and started to feel her cheeks heated up.

"You sometimes are cute too.." Tzuyu pinch Sana's cheek, making the latter froze on the spot. Tzuyu then stand up and walk near to the railing , admiring the views. Heated cheeks had been calm, Sana is totally defrost, noticing that Tzuyu is at the railing. She then follow Tzuyu, "why did you leave me?" Sana frown. "I know you love me" Tzuyu suddenly brought up. "W-what?" Sana stutter.

"But look," Tzuyu turn Sana by her shoulders and make her face Tzuyu, "I appreciate that you open me up despite a stone head me last time and a anti social me" Tzuyu once again trail off.

Her face was totally serious and the atmosphere was... brrr! Scary for Sana. She sure knows when its Serious, its either something good or not coming up soon. She really wanted to cry on the spot but Tzuyu have not tell what's behind her twisting words that made Sana confused.

"What's with the seriousness?" Sana Chuckle awkwardly, trying hard to break the awkwardness. "I.." she trail off, looking down with a sad face displayed. "What Tzuyu?" Sana frown. "I.. actually have someone in my heart-"


"Sana.. I-"

"Am i not good enough for you?!"

"Sana.. please listen"

"After all the hardship and effort i brought just to be with you, you're doing this to me?!"

"It's not what you're thinking-"

"Forget it, you are going home by yourself!" Sana yell that brought the other couple's attention. Sana didnt care because her only motive was just wanting to be claim, claim by Tzuyu. It was greedy indeed but who can be blame if Sana's heart only wanted Tzuyu? Upon hearing those words from Tzuyu, it makes Sana's heart aching and swollen.

Sana couldn't take the heartbreaking moment, her tears wouldn't really want to co-operate but to burst infront of Tzuyu in the middle of the arguement. Sana then wipe her tears and run away to her car and drove off, leaving Tzuyu alone there. Tzuyu tried to chase after Sana but she was way faster than a flying squirrel, Tzuyu. Tzuyu then mentally curse herself for being stupid not telling the truth clearly.

Sana drove at high speed, didn't care about the traffic rules because the Oil was being spill in the fire. She drove somewhere she dont know but her hands drive her away, away from Tzuyu, away from home. She notices that Tzuyu tried to reach her but she ignores.

After a few calls, she begin to be very annoyed so she off her phone in the middle of driving which is also dangerous. "Damn Tzuyu! I hate you!" Sana scream while beating her steering wheel. Feeling more frustrated, from 100 km/H , she step onto the gas and speed up to 200 km/H

It was crazy for Sana, she didn't even realise what she is doing might cause accident but she drove somewhere strangely safe. She went out of the car, slammed the door and sit at the trunk, crying her heart out.

It was the worst night for both Tzuyu and Sana. Tzuyu realise that it was a stupid way to tease Sana that made her misunderstood things. Tzuyu sigh at the attentions that was brought to her. Her head was hang low , walking her way to the side walk.

Tzuyu really regret that moment the most where Sana misunderstood and worst too, no drive home. Not even a single Taxi is avail around that area. So she started to walk her way home that is quite far from her house. Along the way, she tried calling Sana but her phone was being turned off after a few tries , "God damn it!" She stomp.

She continue walking with full of groans and sigh, "isn't there any Taxi that would pity me in the middle of the high way?!"  She really had no choice but to continue walking till she reaches the other side and try to hail for a taxi.

"Ahjussi, please drive to street XX"

"Ne.. but agashi.. it seems like you walk from there" the driver points. "Yes i walk from there" she throw her head back from the exhaustion. "But.. do you realise that you walk the wrong way? You are going further than your house-" realising the mistake, Tzuyu cut off the Driver's talk, "ajjushi, please stop, im tired" The driver then apologises for the lecturing talk and comtinue driving.

Tzuyu sigh while turning to the side, looking outside of the car. 'Sana.. you really misunderstood about it..just.. where are you?'

It was morning time, Tzuyu sleep in Sana's house the whole day but she heard nothing creaking. Tzuyu then stretch her back that's been screaming in pain because of the posture that she's been sleeping on the living room sofa is just a stupid idea. Tzuyu wouldn't lie if she not worried about Sana being out there the whole day.

Another day for Tzuyu to live in a sigh. Even if a call she wouldn't be bothered, means messages too she wouldnt be bothered. 'Sana, please.. at least reply my messages if you dont want to hear my voice!!' Tzuyu internally scream.

Tzuyu walk back and forth not wanting to go out of the house, scared to tell her friends about this matter. As much as she need her friend's help , she wouldnt ask for it. Its almost the whole day, but Tzuyu did not eat at all. She continue sleep in until the day is over.

It's been two and a half day, Tzuyu got exhausted because she knows that Sana wouldnt come home soon. Tzuyu cant do anything but to feed her weak self that she believe that If she wants to see Sana again, she need to be alive.

Its a sleepless nights for Tzuyu after all, none of the days she could sleep properly after that incident.

'Sana.. i really love you.. only you who owns my heart'

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