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It was like one in the morning, Astrid and I were still at Noah's house  and all the other people had left. It was just me, Astrid, Luca, Asher, our friends Amanda and her boyfriend Hunter and obviously Noah. I was yet to sleep and I got a litle thirsty so I went into the kitchen to get myself some juice. I lean forward onto the island and pour myself some.

"Can I have a glass too?" I hear from behind me.

"Sure thing just get a cup from the cupboard." I say and point up not bothering to turn around.

"Noah's clothes are drowning you Luna." He says placing the glass beside me and waiting for me to pour. once I pour I watch him as he brings the cup to his lips.

"Mint and Kiwi huh, I like your taste." he says smiling.

"So Ash how has school been without me ?" I say smiling.

"kinda dull if I'm honest. You know Astrid doesn't care enough to do anything interesting." he says and laughs.

"Aw so you missed me, but anything new?' I ask 

"Yeah there's this new girl Nia I think. She's strange like she stares at me all the time. Then when she sat in my seat and I told her to get up she gave me this stupid attitude. She's fucking annoying and she's now friends with fucking Sarah. It's funny to see Sarah's reaction though when I talk to her." He says and I chuckle

"Don't let her get used to you guys, she might catch feelings and end up being psycho like Sarah." I say slightly Irritated, I move my hands to his chest and smooth out his shirt. He then grabs my wrists in his hand

"Why do you care if she catches feelings, It's not like I care." He says quietly 

"Because you'll flirt with her to mess with her because she's new and she doesn't know you yet. She  might think you guys are a thing, and I don't like sharing my boys. I only share with Astrid and she doesn't broadcast to the school who she fucks. Besides everyone knows you're mine Ash." I say and put my hand on his cheek.

"And are you mine Luna?" He smiles 

"I belong to nobody love." I say and move away from him. I then make my way to Noah's room and I get in his bed and drift away into sleep.


"Luna wake up I want to go home." Astrid says Jumping on me. 

"Ugh get off me you fatty." I say and she giggles, Astrid is probably the farthest from fat with her model figure.

"shut up Luna you so love my bod." She says I can sense her smugness even though shes sitting on my back.

"I love your bod Astrid God. What time is it anyway." I say as I push her off me.

"It's nine something, I don't know. Anyways can we go I want to shower and get ready at home." she whines.

"Ugh just shower here Love." I say and yawn

" Noah forgot to restock on our sleepover stuff cause we weren't here all summer so he doesn't have our stuff. Luna I feel dirty I want to shower." she whines 

" Fine, fine jeez, can we eat first. Also I'm surprised you're not hungover." I laugh at her

"I'll have you know I only had two drinks last night. I don't drink as much as last year. " She states proudly 

"Woah that French D must have really changed you." I laugh and she pushes me off the bed.

"Oh my God I hate you. No I just hate hangovers and I get really bad ones, so if I want to let loose it's aunty MJ that's gonna have to do it for me." she laughs 

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