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 -Still Naya-

"Okay so at this school classes start at 8:30 but you're supposed to be here before 8. They did it like that so you have time to get ready before a class and you have no reason to be late." she says and I nod.

"I've already picked up your schedule at the front office, I did it when I got here this morning." she says to me 

"What do I have first ?" I ask her

"You have English Language with Mrs.Collins and I have that too so we can head there in a bit. We have like 20 minutes before the class bell rings so let me show you where your locker is." She says. We walk to my locker and open it with the code they gave us.

"Okay so teachers are gonna give you your books as you get to each class so you won't get some till tomorrow. Do you want to head to class now and pick your seat or we can wait out a bit?" She asks looking at me.

"Um we can go to class ?" I ask and she nods and leads the way.

"Hey, Naya are we friends now?" Sarah suddenly asks me, with a somber look of seriousness on her face.

Considering how nobody has come to say anything to her I assume she has no friends. Thinking to myself I wonder If her lack of friends has anything to do with the five, it seems s. She seems nice enough to me, but I know that people aren't what they seem. 

I don't even think her request was desperation at this point, merely loneliness. I wouldn't want to be friend-less starting out at this school, that was one of my main worries starting here. Maybe she will tell me about what happened to her? she seemed really pained as she mentioned it earlier. I need a friend too.

"Yes, Of course." I say and chuckle, she sighs silently.

"Well, This is Mrs. Collins English room." She says.

 I look into the room with my mouth wide open. It was the best decorated classroom I'd ever seen. It had posters on the wall, with English related puns, Quotes from famous writer, and different rules to follow when writing. The surprising thing about the room though, was how everything managed to stay within its colour scheme. The colours were gray, blue, cream, and white with black here and there.

 I see a woman with a bright red curly mop of hair on her head, and round glasses. Sitting at a desk in the front left corner of the room. I assume she is Mrs. Collins and I approach with Sarah close behind. 

"Good morning Mrs. Collins, I'm Naya Davis." I say to her and smile.

"Oh Naya dear, nice to meet you." Says Mrs. Collins

"Nice to meet you too miss." I say.

"The principal told me to be expecting a new student so I have your term book here. You can go take any seat" She says and hands me a large book.

Glancing around I look for a suitable seat, I spot one in the corner of the room in the back row. when I see nobody going for the seat I walk to it and sit in it. Sarah then sits in the seat in front of me and stays silent. 

"I'm just gonna rest up a bit before class starts." she says to me and I nod. I then put my head on the desk and close my eyes following Sarah's lead.

"You're in my seat." a deep voice interrupts my sleep.

" I don't see your name on it." I say before raising my head I then see Asher Grey standing in front of me with a scowl.

"Look you're obviously new, so you don't know shit yet. we can forget this if you just get the fuck out of my seat. My name doesn't have to be on it for it to be mine." 

"I don't care and I'm not moving. I got here first next time be Early." I say 

"Bitch." He says as he walks to the seat on the opposite side of the room.

"He's such a bloody prick, God I wish we could do something to them." Sarah says to me 

 "What do you mean? They don't own the school" I say and chuckle, but Sarah doesn't laugh.

"As much as I hate to say it they do more or less their parents are the people that help fund the school and make it all modern like this. They have a lot of sway with the principal and board of directors." She says to me and I nod.

"Stay away from him, he's bad news." Sarah says to me seriously.

"Don't worry I'm not interested he's a dick." I roll my eyes and look in his direction, a handsome dick.

That class ends and soon lunch comes when I entered the room, I see the three boys sitting at a table at the center of the room. I walk over to where I see a lunch line, then I join the line. I meet a nice lunch lady who gives me hints on the best tasting food options. I carry my tray with my food to a table in the corner of the room, where Sarah was seated.

"why do they sit at the center like that?" I ask as I sit down

"Thats just how it is." She says with a shrug

"Anywho how has your day been?" she asks me

"well I had two classes with Luca, and one that also has Noah in it." I say to her.

"Oh cool what was that like?" she asks

"Well your descriptions of both of them, were disturbingly accurate." I say and she tenses.

"I'm just very observant." She says brushing it off.

I nod and turn my attention to my food.Looking over my shoulder for a split second, I see a pair of grey eyes staring at me with a passive look. The stare does not waver even when I send a glare that way. Just then Luca leans over to him and whispers something which causes him to chuckle a little, he never breaks eye contact with me. 

I know that Sarah warned me about them, but it is still my first day. Maybe I can get to know him myself, I want to know those grey eyes. 

Soon school was over, and I exited the building on my own. I went and stood next to my car, waiting for Sarah. She then trudges out of the school building and makes her way over to where I am. 

"Hey, did you bring your car here?" I ask her

"My car uh... I don't have a car." she says to me 

"Oh cool, so how are you getting home?" I ask

"I take an Uber or Lyft." She says to me 

"Oh well, I can take you home if you'd like just tell me the direction to go in." I say to her

"Yeah sure lets go." she says to me and smiles.

As I'm getting into my car, my eyes catch three boys exiting the school building. I quickly leave the car parking lot, and begin to go to Sarah's house. On the way Sarah points out different spots to hang out.

"Oh and that place has the best bagels in town, even though I've only been there once with..."she says and trials off 

"with who?" I ask cautiously

"Nobody important anymore." She says to me


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