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Once it's lunch time, I walk out of my maths class with Luca.

"Why do I have to take math? It sucks ass and I'm more than sure I'll never need that shit in my life." He groans as we walk towards the cafeteria.

"Mr. Morgan can suck my actual dick." I say and Luca bursts out laughing

He pushes the doors of the cafeteria and as we enter people start whispering more and staring.

"I hate it when they do that." I say rolling my eyes,and Luca just chuckles. Making our way to the lunch line I hold his hand. Once we get there I let go and tell the lunch lady what I want to eat. I pick my fully loaded tray over to my normal table at the center with my friends, with Luca.

"Hey guys." I say sitting between Asher and Noah. 

"I'm so ready to drop out of school." Luca says.

"Oh come on school isn't all bad. " Noah says and takes a bite out of his sandwich.

"Math ruins the entire high school experience." Luca says and sighs sadly. Then a girl from our class, Ashley walks by our table and says hi to Luca as she passes.

"Okay not the whole experience." Luca says and we all laugh.

"You're such a hoe Luca." Astrid says and Luca feigns hurt, and holds his chest.

"You wound me Astrid." He says the Asher chucks a fry from his plate at Luca.

"Shut up." Asher says and we laugh.

"Yo guys so guess what that new girl really has it in for Asher." I say to them all.

"I thought we established that already." Noah says and everyone nods.

"oh." Is all I say.

"You're just slow Luna." Asher says, and stretches his hand to take food off of my plate. I slap his hand away.

"Don't be rude Asher, you ask first." I say to him 

"Fine can I have some." He says 

"Fuck no." I laugh


I walk out of the school building with Astrid and we walk over to her car.

"You're driving, I'm tired as fuck." She says and tosses the keys to me.

"yeah yeah sure." I say and get into the drivers seat, and head out of school.

"Hey, do you feel bad about your prank?" I ask Astrid.

"You know I would normally, but she just judged me for no reason, whilst only hearing things about me. I thought hey let me live up to my expectations." She says to me with a shrug.

"I mean she could've been chill, but she just had to befriend psycho Sarah." Astrid says and I roll my eyes.

"Seriously though what she did to me last year was crazy on so many levels." I say to her.

"She's lucky you didn't press charges to be honest, if she was smart she'd know to keep herself and her new friend out of our way." Astrid says. I then turn my car into the drive-thru of McDonald's.

"Two happy meals, and one vanilla, one strawberry milkshake." I say to the microphone thing. They reply and I thank them and move forward. We get to the pick up and pay part and I get our food and pay for thanking the lady in the box.

"You're the best Luna." Astrid says as I hand her, her milkshake and food. Continuing our drive to her house I turn up the radio loud and dance to the song that's playing.

We pull into the long driveway that leads to her house, and I park once we reach the front of it.  I grab my bag and get out of the car after turning it off, Astrid gets out too and grabs our food. I follow Astrid as she unlocks her front door and we head up to her room. She lays down on her bed and puts our food down. We both eat and finish our drinks and sigh happily. 

I would just like to make you aware of my love of food. For some reason though people think I don't eat. I once heard a rumor about myself that I was starving myself so I could be a model, As if me and Luca laughed about it for an hour straight.

Something I've learned though is that because I'm considered popular (I hate that word) people either want to know you, know about you, think they know about you, or make up absolute lies about you. At this point in my life, I don't care and have found ways to turn it into a game.

My friends and I started pretending to be our stereotypical roles that people think we are. It's funny though cause it causes more rumors about us but hey, who cares?

"Why does  Luca hate math class again?" Astrid asks looking at a paper she pulled from her school bag.

"Oh well one he doesn't get why he needs the class in his life, plus the grade he got on the test. Also he thinks Mr. Morgan is a stuck up dick, that doesn't get laid, I agree though." I say.

"What did he get, I got an A on that test." She says

"He got an A-, and because I got an A+ he got angry. He seems to believe he's smarter than me." I say and laugh. After that we study for a while and complete our homework.


"Hey Anita we want to watch a movie are you coming?" Astrid says when we walk into the kitchen.

"Oh I would love to honey, but I can't today I have to head home early." Anita says to us

"Aw, okay next time then." Astrid says and we then head up to the movie room and make popcorn with the machine. We head up to the movie room and start making the popcorn before we set up. Once it's done Astrid sits on the couch and I lean onto her. 

"Hey do you want to watch Wish Upon Luna?" She asks me 

"Oh yeah I haven't seen it yet I heard it's really good."  I say to her

Astrid gets up and connects her laptop to the big screen and opens her Netflix account and we start the movie.

"Hold up Astrid, when is Rora getting home?" I ask and her eyes light up with realization.

"Oh shit lemme call her." Astrid says and walks to get her phone. I continue watching the movie every now and then turning to look at Astrid who seems frustrated with her sister, or who ever she's talking to. 

"Well, Luna guess we're going to Luca's house." She says with and Irritated look on her face.


Sorry it took a while, i've been busy 

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