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First week of school


Why did my parents force us to move ugh? I miss my old friends and my old school and my old life. Now I have to start school here and I don't know anyone. What if I get there and it's absolutely terrible, what if people hate me, what if teachers hate me? the uncertainty of the situation was to much for me to sit still. The worst part of it all is school starts in about two hours. I groan and muffle my screams with my pillow.

I pick out my outfit for my first day of school which is light blue jeans, a tank top, a black drape jacket, and my white converse. Satisfied I then head to my bathroom and shower quickly. I put on my underwear, clothes, and shoes. I then lay on my bed and stretch out lazily. I head to my bathroom again and take one last look at myself. I don't wear any make up because I'm not trying to over do it.  I drag my feet as I walk to my bedroom door and down the stairs to get food. I walk over to the fridge and I eat the remaining fruit salad. I leave a note on the fridge and head to the car to go to school.  I put the directions in on google maps and start driving.

I pull up to the large and very modern looking school and I'm in awe. My parents had told me a bit about the school and the town. They said that very rich and powerful families lived here with their children who were spoiled rotten. While my family was quite well off I was told these people were mega rich. 

As I get out of my car I get a few odd looks from people around me. I ignore it and make my way to the front door, where a girl is supposed to be waiting for me. I walk in and I see a girl with strawberry blonde hair wearing a halter neck black top, blue jeans and sneakers. 

"Hi I'm Sarah Silver Welcome to North Hills High school and I'm here to show you around the school and let you know all the ins and outs." she says in a fake cheery voice but with a real smile. I give her a cautious look and reply

"Hi I'm Naya nice to meet you." I reply

"I'm sorry they said I have to tell you that, but lets get real this school is filled with crazy people, follow me." She says and starts walking through the halls.

"Now the one thing that everybody at this school has in common is that we're all bloody rich. The school is a smaller sized one with roughly less than 250 students." She says 

"Why why is it so small." I ask

"I don't know if you noticed but mega mansions take up a lot of space and so the town isn't very congested." She says and laughs I nod my head.

"Can you tell me about the people at this school, like the different groups and social life. At my old school there were a lot of different groups and for the most part everyone was friendly." I say and she laughs

"Oh boy you're going to be shocked here. At this school there are many groups but only one that is considered important and cool." she says with an eye roll and air quotes relevant.

"I see you're not a fan." I say with a laugh.

"If you know what I know you'd hate them all too." She says, and I hope she tells me about it later.

"Any way there's the five, they are the five most popular students at this school. They're all equally rich, and to some sexy. Lucas Storm, Noah Winter and Asher Grey are the boys, Astrid Moore and Luna Stone are the girls. The walk around the halls like they own the place and the population of the school is too in love with them to burst their bubbles." She says

"Jeez they remind me of the mean girls at my old school . Are they like really bad individually?" I say.

"They're all terrible in their own way. Okay well first there's Lucas Storm but they all call him Luca and he's the best out of them. He's really rude in a funny way, he constantly gets In trouble with teachers, he can be mean though when he's irritated. There's Asher Grey he doesn't talk much he's fits the whole brooding bad boy stereotype. He's mean to some people apparently but only when they approach him. Then there's Noah Winter he's the nicer one but that's just a ploy to get girls at this school. He throws Killer parties and usually everyone's invited to them. He lies though so don't ever trust him. There's three things that are true about all of the boys, one they're bloody hot, two they are super rich and three the have slept with almost the entire straight female population at our school." she says to me 

"what about the other two girls?" I ask her. She sighs heavily and takes a seat on one of the hallway benches.

"Well let me start off with Astrid Moore, She is tall with long legs, pale blue eyes and golden blonde hair. She is more of a passive aggressive person and can be a bitch when she is called out or when her friends are involved. She is also the co captain of cheerleading team. All the teachers seem to love her for some odd reason. She likes to use subtle things to make you aware of your social position at school. Then there's Luna Stone, she is also tall with long legs, she has blue green eyes and very black long hair.She is an aggressive hoe who is a bitch all the time. She has that bad girl vibe and acts like she and her friends rule the place. She is the other co captain of cheerleading. They have a weird fuck buddy relationship with the rest of the boys. Apparently they like to imitate Regina Gorge as this weird game of theirs, like complementing your outfit and laughing about it later. All in all they are actually all terrible people and I would avoid them If I were you." she says to me seriously 

"wow that's crazy, but how do you know so much about them?"

"Let's just say I've been on the receiving end of all their worst traits once." she says with a sad faraway look in her eyes. Just then chatter in the hallway stops and everyone looks at the front doors. Just then three of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen walk through the doors.

"The one on the left with green eyes and curly dark brown hair is Luca, The one on the right with Brown Hair and dark blue eyes is Noah, and the one in the middle with blonde hair and grey eyes now that's Asher." She says 

As they walk down my eyes follow Asher, till his eyes meet mine and he smiles. My eyes continue to follow him as I keep my face blank. Looks like school here might not be as bad as I thought. 


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