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"Asher?" I say looking at the boy in front of me.

"Why are you here?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Why so hostile Luna can't I visit my friend anymore? Especially after she left school sick." He says narrowing his eyes at me as he says the word sick.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask and I narrow my eyes at him too.

"Nothing, everyone is going to be here in a bit by the way." He says walking past me and up the large stairs, I follow him as he heads to my room. He then lays himself onto one of the couches.

"Okay, make yourself at home." I say sarcastically 

"So why did you lie that you're sick? You and I both know you are perfectly fine" He says stretching out.

"I am sick." I say to him and fake a little cough.

"You've never been good at lying to me Luna." He says to me.

"I'm not lying Asher." I say to him and fake another cough.

"You were in the pool, and you only leave your room to get food when you're sick." Asher says to me.

"Fine I just didn't feel like being in school." I say to him.

"Why?" He asks 

"No reason just a mood." I say to him

"Who sat in my seat in English class." I ask trying to change the topic

"Why?" He asks

"Because English is one of the few classes we pick seats and everyone knows where my seat is, I just want to know who sat there." I say sprawling myself onto my bed.

"Naya." He says, I roll onto my stomach and laugh into my pillow.

"You guys are getting close." I say with an eye roll.

"What does that mean." He says and scoffs

"It's just something I noticed." I say to him

"You're noticing nothing Luna, what's going on with you?" He says getting up from the chair to come and meet me. I'm about to reply when Luca, Noah, and Astrid burst into my room.

"Is my girl doing okay?" Astrid asks as she walks to where I'm siting.

"Yeah I'm better now, hey guys." I say to the boys that are now laying on my bed.

"Luna how are you feeling now? You looked really bad in school." Luca says

"Gee thanks Lucas." I say emphasizing his name.

"Luca have you and Astrid made up yet?" I ask and Noah starts laughing.

"Oh they made up alright." Noah says and Astrid blushes.

"What did you do?" I say laughing a little.

"They are together now." Noah says

"Oh shit no way, finally." I say and laugh.

"I'm kinda mad that you didn't tell me Astrid but I'm happy for you guys." I say.

" Noah where's my money by the way?" I ask him.

" Not so fast , Luca admitted his feelings for Astrid first." Noah says 

" The bet was about who admits it to anyone first, and Astrid told me first, so pay up." I reply and Noah groans.

I get up from my seat and mindless lay toy with the things on my desk. Turning I lean on it and look at my friends. My eyes automatically connect with Asher's and I break the eye contact.

"Can somebody order food cause I'm fucking hungry." Luca says and we all laugh.

"lets go watch a movie downstairs and I'll call get us Pizza." Astrid says and they all begin to make their way out of my room. I trudge behind and Asher pulls me back.

"We weren't done talking." He says to me and I just look at him.

"You're still coming over tomorrow?" He asks me.

"yeah I'm coming." I say to him

"okay we'll talk then."


"Guys can we watch Birdbox, I haven't seen it yet." Astrid says.

"That's the blindfold one right?" I ask 

"Wait you haven't seen it either? You all live under rocks." Luca says 

"Can we just start the movie." Asher grumbles, and plops on my couch.

"What's wrong with him?" Noah asks me and I shrug.

I go take my seat next Asher and Noah sits beside me.  The door bell rings I walk to go get it with my purse. The pizza guy gives me our food and then I pay and tip him. I walk back to the room where my friends are.

"Guys food's here." I say and they all cheer, and dig in. I start to eat but my mind is a little pre occupied with differrent things.

Though I don't know what's been wrong with me recently, I have this feeling. I've never felt it before, it's weird and scares me. Things have always been the same with me and my friends. There's a weird order to things and I like how it is. I need things like this ruining that for us. 

Once the movie finishes My friends then turn to me with questioning eyes.

"So are you feeling better now?" Noah asks and I can feel Asher chuckle beside me.

"Uhm yeah, I think I'm good, but I'm not coming to school tomorrow." I say to them, standing up to get the pizza boxes.

"well our work here is done then." Luca says and stands up to leave. Noah and Astrid leave with him all saying their get well soons, which leaves me and  Asher alone here.

"Luna.." He says coming up behind me.

"Yeah?" I say to him

"Don't forget you're coming over." He says to me.

"How could I?" I say


sorry it took a while

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