【三十九】 things kim dayoung did in 2018

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• released a cover of 'when you fall' by sam kim and chai with doyoung

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• released a cover of 'when you fall' by sam kim and chai with doyoung

• got lost on set while filming a behind the scenes

• got matching ear piercings with ten

• wrote, composed, and produced her first solo album (with the help of a couple others, of course)

• singlehandedly ended careers with her high notes

• released a dance cover with ten

• cried while listening to taeil, doyoung, haechan, jaehyun, and jungwoo sing 'no longer'

• cried while trying to perform it at a concert

• wouldn't shut up about donghyuck after it was announced that he had to take a break

• took chenle's giant teddy bear, took out the stuffing, and wore it as a costume before scaring the shit out of everyone at the company (don't worry, she bought chenle another bear)

• almost fell offstage (again) but yuta saved her

• admitted to blowing her money on boba tea and snacks

• surprised jiahao (her younger brother) with tickets to their concert after not being able to see each other for a long time

• played the guitar to sam kim and zico's, 'it's you' and sang a cover of it on vlive and at a fansign

• donated money to charity

• bought toys and other gifts to give to an orphanage on christmas

• helped paint a mural at jiahao's school

• wrote a song dedicated to the rest of nct

• took polaroids and used disposable cameras to take photos of everyone (as always) to give to nctzens

• attended a pride parade and a march whilst in america

• and this girl did so, so much more. there's too many things for all of them to be written down.

gosh i kind of wanna make video edits of these, like those imagines on youtube. they're so cute! i wish i had the right software but i'm broke shjdsj
it's officially 2019! thank you so much for a great year and also getting this story to over 150k reads- ohmygosh ♡♡♡ i love you!

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