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"i hope chenle doesn't hate me after this," yingyue lightly laughed into the camera that was set up on a tripod. "i bought him another teddy bear anyways."
it was past midnight and yingyue was sitting on the floor of the room where jisung and chenle filmed their 'this and that' show. the building was pretty much vacant other than her, a few staff members, and some of the idols and trainees that were practicing in the lower levels.
the teddy bear chenle had gotten for their challenge was now in the possession of yingyue. she pulled out all of the stuffing from the bear and put it in the trash bag next to her.
"how long did it take chenle to stuff this bear?" the girl asked herself as she noticed that the lower half of the body was still full.
an hour and a half later, yingyue had finally emptied the life-sized teddy bear. exhausted, she fell back and huffed before shooting right back up and running over to the camera.
"tomorrow, i'll walk into the company and scare everyone!" she laughed mischievously.
then, she stopped recording and turned the camera off, setting it aside. after she stretched her body, she tied the couple trash bags of stuffing and set it by the wall. the bear "costume" was grasped by yingyue, who would leave it in the car she'd arrive in the next morning.
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9:00am came slower than yingyue wanted it to, but it still came. just outside of the company building, she stood with a couple of cameramen and staff members as she put on the costume. the entire time she did, she was giggling to herself.
the winter season still resided in korea, so yingyue was glad the bear was warm inside.
"ready?" her manager asked, slightly laughing at the scene.
the young idol shot them a thumbs up and started to walk inside of the lobby. she successfully scared most of the workers on the first level before heading up to the practice rooms where she was certain red velvet, exo, and the other nct members were.
to say yingyue looked dumb in the teddy bear would be an understatement. the crew that assisted her in the prank couldn't stop smiling or giggling.
"should we scare red velvet first?" she asked, trying to scratch her head, only to scratch the bear's ear instead. "wait, nevermind, i forgot which room they moved to. exo, here we come!"
the fluff ball walked to a door that was a couple of rooms before nct's and attempted to open the door.
keyword: attempted.
"..um, could you open the door for me, please?"
her manager chuckled and nodded, turning the knob and pushing it open for her.
"who's that— hOLY SHI—" chanyeol was the first to spot yingyue.
he clamped his hand over her mouth before he could finish his sentence when he noticed that there were cameras rolling.
looking over, xiumin and baekhyun also let out small squeaks at the sight while sehun and chen laughed out loud at them.
kyungsoo furrowed his eyebrows as yingyue waved.
"who the hell..?" junmyeon muttered to himself.
"hELLO!" yingyue yelled, causing the members to jump a little.
"dayoung?" kai questioned.
"i hope you know i can barely see," said girl responded.
"dayOUNG!" chanyeol happily exclaimed and hugged her.
after everyone shared a hug with her, yingyue wished them luck and exited the room, moving over to nct.
the manager stopped her, "who do think will scream the loudest?"
"mark oppa or ten oppa," yingyue laughed. "chenle would probably scream out of excitement; he'd think i'm the actual bear come to life."
like before, the manager opened the door for her and she ran in, yelling, "NCT! WHERE'S KIM DAYOUNG, MY FAVORITE MEMBER?"
just as she predicted, mark and ten both shouted in fear while the others were unamused, laughing, or just a little bit startled. renjun jumped as high as a cat from her loud yell.
"she turned into a teddy bear," yangyang said.
yingyue started to take the costume off, "it's so hot, my goodness."
"i actually thought the teddy bear came to life," mentioned chenle.
"what are you even doing?" taeyong laughed.
"put the costume back on, you look cuter like that," dissed renjun.
jisung ran over to yingyue with chenle, jeno, and jaemin following behind, "i wanna try it on!"
after mentioning that she bought another bear for chenle, some of the members of nct took turns scaring people in public. those who didn't decided to help in filming and made fun of those who scared everyone.
unfortunately, because haechan was staying at his parents' house for the time being, he couldn't participate. but being the kind sub-unit they are, dream decided to pay him a visit and give him a heart attack in bed.
➥終。 ➥ive seen a couple authors do this and i thought it was really cute. how about a q&a with dayoung + the other members of nct? ask as many questions as you want for any member! just drop a comment like: 'for dayoung / yingyue / mark / any nct member / all nct male members / etc.: and blah blah blah your question here'