【四十六】 argument

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the past couple of weeks, yingyue had been acting differently

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the past couple of weeks, yingyue had been acting differently. she was distant, always out of it, and keeping little secrets from the others. she would even return to the dorms late at night despite the curfew taeyong and kun assigned her and the other dreamies. nobody knew where she went - heck, if it weren't for group rehearsals or schedules, nobody would have seen her at all.

wednesday afternoon, eighteen members of nct stood in the practice room, stretching. like the last two weeks, yingyue was the last to arrive.

"noona's still not here?" chenle asked, returning to the room after grabbing a small snack.

haechan sighed and shook his head, "not yet."

"where is she?" johnny mumbled, checking his phone for any messages from her.

as if on cue, the door opened again, revealing their girl with an expressionless face. instead of smiling at her members as she'd normally do, she walked over to the wall farthest away and put her bag down. the boys watched as she took her airpods out and put them back into its case, tucking it and her cell away in her backpack.

yingyue raised an eyebrow at everyone when she noticed they were all staring at her. looking away, taeyong headed over to the speakers.

"everybody, stretch for five more minutes and we'll start with 'black on black'," he announced.

following his words, the five minutes passed and the idols got into their positions. taeyong pressed play on the song and hurried to his own spot.

after hours of practicing different tracks, the sun started to set. during majority of the rehearsals, yingyue was either a beat late or a beat early, and it was almost too noticeable to the point where one would think it's a part of the actual choreography.

"break!" johnny yelled, stopping the music himself. "what the hell, dayoung?"

the girl, who's hands rested on her knees as she leaned forward, looked up at him with the same blank expression.

"i'm trying," she exhaled.

jaehyun butted in, "it doesn't seem like it."

clenching her jaw, yingyue stood up straight and let her hands fall back to her sides.

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