【九十二】 chenle x dayoung moments

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"what's this?" asked renjun as he walked into the dorm holding a packaged box.

sitting on the couch was dayoung and chenle, who looked away from the television and to renjun. the girl let out an excited gasp and jumped up from her spot.

"jiahao sent something because he said it reminded him of when we were younger," she said.

the box was placed on the coffee table in the living room and chenle rushed to get a pair of scissors from dayoung's instructions.

when he came back, the tape was cut and the two of them looked inside before their eyebrows creased at each other.

"are these..?"

"peppa. pig. walkie. talkies."

saying it out loud made them laugh in delight and chenle grabbed the blue one with a photo of george as dayoung grabbed the pink peppa one.

"let's test them out! let's go in the farthest rooms away from each other," chenle said.

"on it!"

holding the pink device in her hand, dayoung scurried to the room at the end of the hall which belonged to jeno, who laid in his bed while on his phone.

"hi, yin," he acknowledged without sparing a glance.

"hi, smiley eyes," she responded, doing the same.

she pressed herself against the far wall, finally catching jeno's attention. "the heck are you doing?"

"hold on," dayoung said and held a finger up to her lips.

she turned the walkie-talkie on and held down the button. "zhong chenle?"

letting go of the button, it was quiet for a second before static sounded.

chenle's voice followed soon after, saying, "jiang yingyue?"

"dude.. can you hear me? over."

"you sound like peppa already. over."

dayoung poked her cheek with her tongue and heard jeno laughing to himself.

"CHENLE, I'M ON MY WAY TO END YOU," she exclaimed and let go of the button before pressing it again. "OVER."


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"yo, chenle!" yelled dayoung as she walked into the practice room. "kun-ge gave me a gift but said it was for the both of us!"

with that, the sound of feet padding against the hardwood floor was heard and chenle appeared in front of the older, yet shorter, girl.

"a gift? let's open it!"

dayoung held up a large gift bag that had tissue paper sticking out. "there's not much to open but okay."

the other dreams members were present also but doing their own things. that is, until cylindrical, foam bullet began flying across the room.

"he got us nerf guns—!"

"watch where you're shooting!" jisung shouted at chenle.

on opposite sides of the room, the younger two of the chinese members shot at each other, not really aiming anywhere that could be harmful.

until one of chenle's bullets zoomed right past dayoung's head.


"if i did, i'd be doing you a favor," stated chenle. "i'm surprised you haven't gone blind from seeing haechan hyung on a daily basis."


haechan stole the gun from dayoung's grasp and aimed at the other boy. everyone else were in hysterics, both from chenle's comment and the nerf gun fight.

 everyone else were in hysterics, both from chenle's comment and the nerf gun fight

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the dream members weren't home other than dayoung. she had woken up with a sore throat and a migraine, so the boys and their manager told her to stay home for the day. minsoo ended up staying to watch over her, though.

it was a few hours before lunch time when she decided to get out of bed and wash up, her stomach grumbling in the process.

after she was done in the bathroom, she threw on a sweater and made her way to the kitchen where she noticed a sticky-note on the counter.

'i'll be back! i went to the company to discuss some things with the other managers. one of the boys should be coming soon to check on you. see you later, dayoung! love, minsoo'

"no wonder it felt so empty," the girl frowned.

she shrugged it off and began to look through the refrigerator for something to eat.

"ooh, dino nuggets!"

her hand eagerly reached for the bag of the frozen food. after shutting the freezer door, she placed the bag down and set the oven to preheat.

while she was waiting for the oven and putting the dinosaur nuggets on a baking sheet, she heard the front door open.

"i'm back," called chenle.

"in the kitchen!"

it wasn't long until the younger boy reached the entryway of the kitchen. the strap of backpack was slung over his shoulder and he had a hand gripping onto it as he tilted his head to the side.

"it's ten a.m.," he stated.

dayoung stopped what she was doing and deadpanned at him. "so?"

"what are you doing? make me some too."

rolling her eyes, she playfully smiled and said, "stupid."

fun fact: these scenarios are all based off of me and my brothers

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