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"dayoung-ah," said taeil, shaking the young girl awake. "you have to get up. you have school."
groaning, dayoung stuffed her face into the pillow. "it's saturday.."
johnny, who held a camera to film everything, poked dayoung's side, making her jump and whine.
"it's monday, yin!" he let out a small laugh.
out of nowhere, jungwoo appeared on her bed and wrapped his arms around her waist, cuddling into her stomach.
"she doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to," he murmured.
"yes, she does! she can't be like haechan," taeyong joked from the doorway, making taeil and johnny chuckle.
"hey! i heard that!"
127's second youngest pouted at the mother figure and turned to leave. sighing, taeil tugged on jungwoo's arm and told him to wash up to which he, grudgingly, obeyed.
"how do you normally wake her up?" johnny asked the leader.
without responding, taeyong approached the sleeping maknae and bent down to be face to face with her.
"we'll buy more milk tea for you," he offered. "i know we ran out the other day."
with that, dayoung looked up from her pillow and squinted her eyes at the bright lights. "really?"
"yes, cutie. really."
"i'm awake~!" she sat up and rubbed the lingering slumber from her eyes, blinking a couple of times when she was done.
"breakfast will be ready when you are."
he patted dayoung's cheek and smiled before exiting with taeil, leaving johnny with her. he followed her as she went to the bathroom to freshen up, audibly awing at the sight of her wearing a kakaotalk character headband to keep her hair out of the way. when she finished, she pursed her lips.
"did i put my uniforms away last night?" she asked herself.
"i don't know, did you?" johnny laughed.
"i'm responsible!" she childishly glared at him, earning a pinch to her cheek.
she searched through her closet, pulling out her school blazer and skirt. "bye-bye for now~ i have to get changed."
johnny waved at her while she closed the door and went to talk to the other members in the meantime. after five to ten minutes, dayoung met up with the boys lounging about in the kitchen and living room.
he came up to her with the camera still in his hands.
"are you excited for school?" he questioned, only to earn a head shake and a dramatic frown.
"no, but i guess i have to go if i want to be smart, unlike haechan."
"i'm smart! just in different subjects!" haechan retorted. "at least i don't have school today, sucker."
dayoung and johnny both laughed at him until doyoung rushed over to them, holding a slice of toast with jelly on top.
"here, you're gonna be late. just eat this on the way," he said.
"seriously?" she looked at the analog clock hanging on the wall and her eyes widened. "oh shoot! why didn't anyone wake me up earlier?"
"we tried to," taeil called from the kitchen.
before she grabbed the bread from doyoung, she messily tied her shoelaces and slung her backpack over her shoulder.
"bye! thank you, i love you! i'll see you guys later!" she shouted when she ran out the door.
after she left, johnny turned the camera so it faced him and shook his head, feigning disappointment.
"always like her to be late to school," he clicked his tongue.
the other members nodded. "that's why we changed some of the clocks so it was fifteen minutes ahead."
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by the time 127's youngest member finished school and arrived back home, a few of the boys had gone out to the gym or to practice at the entertainment building.
"honey, i'm home~" dayoung called out.
she took her shoes off and put them off to the side, glancing around the dorm for any signs of the boys. when she went into the living room, johnny, mark, haechan, and sicheng were lounging around with the television playing.
"just in time! running man's about to come on!" haechan cheered.
the camera johnny had in his hands in the morning was now in mark's grasp.
sicheng waved at the younger from the couch. "how was school?"
"the usual," she shrugged, smiling big into the camera lens. "hi, hi~"
"wahh~ our dayoung's so pretty," giggled johnny. "are you hungry?"
shaking her head, dayoung took her backpack off of her shoulders. "i'm gonna do homework then study for a test coming up."
"i'llcomewith!" mark said, trailing behind her.
the two of them talked the whole time, and the rapper often helped her with some of the problems. suddenly, dayoung threw her pencil up in the air, making it land on the floor behind her and held her hands up in the air.
"no, you're not. you still have this whole other page."
"where's taeyong oppa? i want my milk tea."
"are you ignoring me?"
"milk tea~"
mark huffed. "why are you ignoring me?"
"oppa, can we go get milk tea?"
because mark always found it hard to bring himself to say no to dayoung whenever she called him "oppa", his frown was replaced with a grin and he pulled her up from her seat.
"let's goooo~!"
dayoung rushed to throw a random hoodie — that obviously wasn't hers — over her uniform before dragging mark out of the dorms and to the nearest convenience store. while filming, mark and dayoung forgot all about the last page of math problems that were left undone.
➥終。 ➥ thank you guys so much for 600k reads!! i'm so??? speechless??? like???? what???? also dream's reload is coming for our asses 😳🤚