"you kept making me lose my game in the car!" she huffed.
at a distance away, johnny started the introduction for a new episode of johnny's communication center.
"oh, bam~! hey guys, welcome to another episode of jcc!" he said into the camera. "johnny's communication center."
"we are here today with the mission: buy the lamp. i mean, we're here— i don't think you guys will notice from this blue background, but we're here at ikea."
as johnny talked about how ikea was actually pronounced differently, yingyue caught up to him, leaving slowpoke jaehyun behind. she had one of his airpods in, listening to whatever track played.
once yingyue reached johnny, she cheerfully said, "hi!" while jumping up with the support from his shoulder.
"oh, right, i'm also here with dayoung and jaehyun," johnny said. "jaehyun's in the back."
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"i was playing sm superstar and he kept making me only get one star," yingyue turned around and stuck her tongue out at jaehyun like the child she is.
"she wouldn't stop hitting him," johnny added and the two of them laughed. "anyways, i wanted to buy a lamp for my room and also buy anything that i might need."