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dayoung sat between jaemin and jisung, wearing a plain white tee under light pink overalls that the boys continued to gush over ever since their stylist suggested it.
as the video opened up, she didn't pay attention to the producer as they counted down to begin filming. instead, she reached in front of her in an attempt to grab one of the snacks before jisung stopped her.
dayoung pouted at the younger then turned to pay attention to jeno, who introduced the video.
"hi everyone!" he whispered into the mic. "we're nct dream!"
"since we're celebrating valentine's day, we're going to play a game to see who is the quietest while eating chocolates."
"chenle's the worst at this game," jeno added.
the said boy stifled his laugh and nodded. "it's true."
while jeno carried on with the rules of the game, chenle and dayoung shared mischievous glances that the others paid no mind to. that is until they both let out a loud and quick exhale which resulted in the youngest of them panicking and ripping the earphone out of his ear.
"chenle!" "dayoung!"
"should we just send them outside for now?" renjun kidded. "they need to calm down."
"anyways, whoever exceeds seventy decibels will be tickled as a punishment," added jeno. "and with that being said, let's start from chenle."
he held the phone up to chenle and jisung silently snapped his fingers. "let's pick what he gets to eat!"
dayoung's eyes widened and she eagerly nodded. everyone began to point at different snacks before chenle cautiously picked up a bag of candy. he moved slowly, eyeing the measurer and went to rip the bag open, only for it to go up to 90db. jisung was quick to poke the side of chenle's abdomen, making him jump in his seat and snicker quietly.
once the package was open, the second youngest reached in and grabbed one of the chocolates, popping it into his mouth. from there, things went smoothly and before they knew it, it was jisung's turn.
jaemin and dayoung leaned in close to him which put pressure on the boy as he tried to grab one of the other packaged snacks.
with dayoung being so close to his face, it only made him flustered and he laughed out of instinct. the three members closest to him immediately went in to tickle their youngest.
"hurry up!" jeno egged on. "it's better when it's far away."
"rip it at once," suggested chenle.
and so jisung stupidly listened to him, earning another punishment.
"why would you listen to him?!" jaemin laughed.
just like chenle, eating it was easy and quiet for jisung, and the moment he ate it all, it was dayoung's turn.
"what snack should we choose for dayoungie?" renjun hummed into the mic.
their eyes roamed the table and abruptly, renjun poked one of the cookie packages. it was probably one of the noisiest since there were multiple bags to open (which was very unnecessary).
"she will lose, no doubt," jeno softly laughed.
"not even!" dayoung retorted. "watch me!"
she slowly dragged the bag towards her, moving the others out of the way so it would be quieter.
chenle chanted, "lose," over and over until she elbowed him in the side. the two scrunched their noses up at each other before dayoung went back to the cookies.
she left it laying down and ripped it at the pre-cut slit. it seemed easy, except jaemin reached over and tickled her neck which made her squirm and squeal.
the boys were quick to carry out the punishment and poke all of the places they knew she was ticklish.
"okay, okay!" she said and swatted their hands away.
they let her continue and she got out one of the individual cookie packages, letting out a sigh of relief when she did. she slouched in her seat, feigning exhaustion.
"this," she gestured to the snack. "is so unnecessary. everybody shut up."
the silent boys exchanged confused glances before stifling their laughter when they heard dayoung starting to sing a song.
"why are you singing?" renjun asked.
"because it'll drown out the cookie sounds," she said confidently. "그래 날 쏴 bang bang! 너의 bullet bullet buLLET— are you kidding me?"
the way her voice went high sent the decibel number way past 70 and chenle snaked over jisung, jabbing her side again.
"ow!" dayoung complained through giggles.
"did i really do it that hard?" the boy worried.
"you're oka— ah!"
jeno squeezed her thigh which sent her out of her seat, continuing to let her giggles spill out of her mouth.
she rushed to stuff the cookie in her mouth while nagging, "you're all unfair!"
"you just suck at being quiet," renjun stuck his tongue out.
"i'm going to fight you."
"please try."
jaemin put his arms between the two, stopping their playful feud. "fight back at the dorm, okay, kids?"
renjun and dayoung looked at each other before ticking jaemin, earning him the penalty for going over 70db.
"i," he breathed out after the members finished his punishment. "feel so betrayed."